I've been tagged by Alison! Here's all the information you ever wanted to know about DAN:
1. What is your husband's name? Daniel Scott Loveridge
2. How long have you guys been together? We met in September '02
3. How long did you date? We dated for 3 months, engaged for 3 months, and now married for 5 years!
4. Who eats more? We both really enjoy eating, but I'm sure I do b/c I'm home all day!
5. Who said "I love you" first? I'm pretty sure Dan did, I think we were kinda talking about it and I might have told him I feel that way and he said it out loud...I think...why can't I remember these things!
6. Who is taller? Dan the man is taller
7. Who sings better? It depends on what you're talking about...Maybe I sing church songs better but Dan definitely rocks out when we play RockBand.
8. Who is smarter? Again, I guess it just depends on what you're talking about. I'm sure I know some things more than Dan, but overall he's probably the brainiac in the family.
9. Who does the laundry? We both do! Dan is always good at doing whatever needs to get done. We both struggle with getting the laundry folded and put away though.
10. Who does the dishes? Again, we both do it probably equally.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Dan
12. Who pays the bills? Danny boy
13. Who mows the lawn? Lawn? We have a lawn?
14. Who cooks dinner? I wish I was a perfect housewife, but again this is probably equal.
15. Who is more stubborn? hmmm, we both can be at times.
16. Who kissed who first? Dan kissed me first. We had been friends for a few months and I was over at his apartment one night talking. After a lull in the conversation, I said "What should we do now?", to which Dan replied "I can think of something we can do"...and he kissed me! What was my reaction? I laughed :)
17. Who asked who out first? I asked Dan out first...but it was to go on a date with my roommate. As far as WE go, it started with a kiss and then we were just an "item" ever since. I guess technically Dan asked me out a few days later.
18. Who proposed? Dan did. I knew it was coming so I was analyzing his every move. He actually caught me off guard when we were walking to a friend's house for dinner. We were already running late when he said he wanted to go "make out" under a bridge. We went under the bridge (or little overpass thing...which smelled like pee) and he got down on one knee and proposed. My response...."Shut up!!! Let me see the ring...I mean, YES!!!"
19. Who is more sensitive? I guess that's me. Although Dan does say that one of the reasons he married me was b/c I was a typical sensitive/emotional girl. I've become much more emotional since having kids.
20. Who has more friends? that's probably a tie. Everyone loves Dan, but I'm pretty cool, if I do say so myself :)
21. Who has more siblings? Dan - he has 4, I have 3.
22. Who wears the pants in the family? hmmmm....we both do.