Well, it's not yet over, but we have had a wonderful Valentine's day already. The day had some unexpected fun surprises starting off with Dan getting off of work for the snow. Right after we put Carson down for a nap, our 17 year old neighbor, Myreon, came over to say hello since he had the day off of school. He told us we should go see a movie while Carson was napping and he would hang-out at our house. So, we decided to take him up on it. It was a great little mid-day gettaway. We went and saw "Music and Lyrics" with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. It was a typical chick-flick, but both Dan and I thought it was pretty cute. We hadn't been to a movie for quite a while, so it was fun to get out. We told Myreon that it was fine to leave Carson upstairs till we got home since he still has some separation anxiety (although he's getting much better) and we didn't want him to freak out if we didn't get him up from his nap. But when we got home, Carson was up and playing with Myreon. Myreon said that he didn't cry at all when he saw him and just started playing...go Carson! Afterwards we took Myreon and Carson to Chic-fil-a. What a fun Valentine's day...and it's not even over yet!
1 comment:
I'm jealous, you got a date on Valentines!! So nice! Fun to see you at card group!
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