This is what Carson said when all our family left after a week of fun!! We had a
FABULOUS time hanging out with my cousins and their families. My cousins Lisa and Matt (they're siblings) and their families came to visit last week. Matt flew in from Utah with his 3 kids and Lisa and her husband drove up from Georgia with their 5 kids. That's an extra 3 adults and 8 kids in the house! It was a lot of people and
A LOT of fun!!! They did lots of site-seeing and museum visiting, but we were also able to squeeze in some fun family time going swimming, doing movie nights, and a BBQ. I haven't seen these cousins for YEARS and it was soo much fun catching up with them. And Carson and Brynlee
LOVED all of their kids. They always had someone to play with and lots of attention. Carson was absolutely devastated when it was time to say goodbye to everyone! I also enjoyed getting to know my cousins kids...they are so sweet! I had a fun time doing girly things with the making hair bows! It was a great vacation for us...and we didn't even have to go anywhere! Thanks again for coming Matt and are welcome
ANYTIME!!! And thanks for the very, VERY generous thank you gift!
Lisa reading to the kiddos
The boys playing video games
Funny Maria!
More stories!
Movie night
Matt's cute kids
I found this note after they left hidden in my sewing cute!
Sounds like a great visit!! What a sweetie to leave you a note!
Wish I was there.
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