Sunday, December 12, 2010

Primary Program

The ward Primary Program was today.  They focused on Christ and Christmas and it was such a nice program.   Carson was eager to go up and sat in his seat really well.  He sang "Little Jesus" with three other boys right at the beginning of the program.  It was so sweet it brought tears to my eyes.  Who knew I was going to be one of those mothers that cries when she is so proud of her child.  I was just so proud of him and he looked so cute up there!  The program was is definitely my favorite Sacrament meeting of the year!  Here are the words to the song Carson sang.

Fairest little Jesus child,
Came to Earth so meek and mild.
Came to Earth to show the way,
Praise we sing on Christmas day.

Fairest little Jesus child,
From the Heavens angels smiled.
We a gift before thee lay,
Praise we sing on Christmas day.


Ruth said...

The primary program gets me every single time. Thus year was the hardest. Moms everywhere shed a tear.

Johnsons of Haymarket said...

I've never cried during a Primary Sacrament Program before. This one got me from that first song too. And I'm not even pregnant.