Sunday, March 13, 2011

TWO months!!!

Lincoln is two months old today!  Oh, how time flies!!!  He is still such a sweet boy.  He sleeps a lot and is generally a pretty happy baby.  He has slept through the night a few times, but usually wakes up once to eat then goes back to bed.  He is also smiling a bit more now, which is soo cute!  I have loved all of my babies, but I never really thought I was a "baby person" until little Lincoln came along.  I think with Carson everything was so new that I was always looking forward to the next milestone.  Brynlee was a whole different story.  From day one, she was always the boss and let us know that.  And now with our little Lincoln, he is just so sweet and I am comfortable in my mommy role, that I am really enjoying him.  I am enjoying just how new and little he is and I am sad that he is growing so fast.  I think I have a new appreciation for my other kids having this little baby around.  They all love him so much too!  Here are a few pictures taken today and a few of the other kids when they were two months, just for fun comparing.  
 Carson at two months

Brynlee at two months


Brooke said...

Your kiddos are SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!

Roxie said...

Congrats baby Lincoln! It's amazing how much he looks like Carson!