Snowmagedon...i have no idea how to spell that! But, that is what they are calling the huge snowstorm that hit our area this weekend. It started friday morning and ended Saturday night. When it was done we had more than 2 feet plus of snow!! That's a lot of snow anywhere...but, especially for this area! And when it snows around here, everything shuts down. So, we stayed in all of yesterday, except the one time we ventured out to play in the snow. We only got about half of our driveway shovelled then and had to finish the rest today. THere is seriously a TON of snow out there!! Today we were able to get our van out, but the roads still don't look that great. Church was cancelled today and school and Dan's work are already cancelled for tomorrow! And that's after the school kids only went to school 1 day this week b/c of snow...crazy!!! We'll see how many days they go this week! But, we're having fun at home being lazy. At least we had electricity the whole time. Half of our neighborhood was out for 2 days!! We've been lazy around the house, but at least we still have our power! We really haven't done much of anything. Yesterday we made some valentine cookies, then cut out hearts and lips and stuck them all over our house. We also played in the snow a bit and made snow creams. Snow creams are something that Dan's family use to make. I didn't really care for the idea at first, but this snowstorm I really go to liking them. All you do is scoop a cup full of snow and add a little milk, vanilla, and food coloring and stir it all up. I tried mine with snow, mango Tampico, and a little vanilla and it was delicious!!! It was kinda like an orange julius! Brynlee especially liked opening the front door to 2 feet of snow and scooping up her cup of snow. I hope there are no problems with a 2 year old eating tons of snow b/c she did! So, here are a few pictures from our snowed in weekend! And tomorrow is another snow day...yippee!!!
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
Wow! You really got dumped on! We lived in Maryland for one year (1984-1985), and I thought it was so funny how everything would shut down and church would be canceled with just a tiny bit of snow. (The first time that happened it was Super Bowl Sunday, and I was a little suspicious of their motive considering how it wasn't even snowing yet.) But that IS a lot of snow, and I know it's very difficult to get around in it if you're not use to it.
About your "snow creams," you could make them like they do "shave ice" in Hawaii. Pour some sweetened condensed milk over the ice (or snow) along with the flavored syrup and top with whipping cream. It is SOOOO good!
Holy cow Lynettie that is a ton of snow. I missed the storm in 03 and now Ash is in Africa for this one. Crazy weather.
Cute pictures of your fun family. Stay warm and safe.
I agree with Janet: Capitalites are friggin' pansies. But this IS a lot of snow, for sure, however.
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