I bet you didn't know that I call my little man "Doodle" probably just as much as I call him Lincoln! I have to call him some cutsie name to remind me of how cute he is when he is getting into soo much trouble!!! This is probably one of my least favorite ages...yet, they are soo stinkin' cute and funny at this age too! But, our little Linc is just about as "active" as they get and he keeps me on my toes all day long! He is constantly fighting for his way and doing anything it takes to get what he wants. He is a man on a mission and doesn't let anything get in his way. He will push his way in front of siblings and friends (sorry Evan and Madison!) to get whatever he wants. He will take my hand and take me to something he "needs" and then grunt and point until i give in. He will walk all through the house destroying anything that gets in his way! He LOVES to be outside and if the backdoor is open he quickly goes outside and down the deck stairs to go play in the backyard. To say this kid is exhausting is an understatement. And the worst thing is....he doesn't like TV!!! I know that sounds terrible, but he seriously doesn't care at all about TV...not even for a minute! That makes for a long day of entertaining this guy and trying to get things done with his constant tugging at my leg. BUT, even with all this craziness, he is also a super fun kid! He loves his brother and sister...especially tickling their tummies! He has the sweetest smile and is a friendly little guy too. He loves to "flirt" and does it really well when we're out and about. My favorite time of day with my Doodle is right before bed. When I'm holding him in his dark bedroom right before I lay him down for the night, he gets in this really cute goofy mood. He starts giggling at anything I do and giving me big open mouth kisses. He is calm and mellow in my arms and just really sweet. It is a drastic change to the crazy boy that I deal with during the day. I love sitting there with him happy in my arms and not trying to get away from me. He is soo cute and silly! Anything I do makes him giggle...I love my little Linky-Doodle-Bop!!!
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
I SO see Dan in lil' Linc's face in that 2nd picture. He's too cute.
It may be exhausting to keep up with him, but he is so worth it! What a sweet little Linky-Doodle-Bop!
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