....I read a book!!!! If you didn't already know, I'm not much of a reader. I don't hate books but I just don't really want to sit down and take time to read one. I always think of everything else I would rather do. But, I made my quota and I read one book this year...and the book was....TWILIGHT! All the teenage girls at church just LOVE (they are totally obsessed) this book! I've been teasing them for months now, but I promised them that I would read it. Well, I read it and I liked it. It was pretty good...for a book, you know. So, they made me apologize (which I did) because I actually liked the book. I may even read the next one...woah, I'm getting a little out of control now.
So, the other day when Carson woke up from his nap, Dan went to get him. Carson was so excited to see Dan and then asked "Where's mommy?". Dan said..."where do you think?" Carson's reply......"mommy sewing." Do you think I sew too much if that's what his answer was...smart kid. Here are a few pictures....

Crazy spiky hair

Tummy Time with Daddy

Happy girl!!!!

I love her smiley pictures! Carson's hair is great! You know, I asked Seth one time where Grandma is and he said "probably knitting." It was cute! They catch things, it's hilarious! I'm glad you liked Twilight! It's worth reading the second one, I couldn't put it down, I think i finished it in 1 1/2 days! By the time I was 1/2 way through Eclipse (the 3rd one) Mike was asking me how many books there are in the series because he wanted his wife back! I don't normally get that into books, but these were good!
*sigh* This is the sigh of a high school English teacher trying to instill the love of words, language, fiction and the beauty of books to her students. Oh well, I guess we all have different loves. The world is more interesting that way. Reading is one of my favorite past times. I read ever night before bed and get about 5 books from the library every 2-3 weeks.
Reading Rocks!
Hey, did you get my email about the stocking?
I'm so thrilled you liked Twilight!! Isn't Edward dreamy!! I can't believe you haven't moved right on to New Moon though - I have it if you'd like to borrow it!!:)
Love the spiky hair and smiley Brynlee pics!!:)
Bryn is a beautiful baby. Carson's hair is too funny. Don't feel bad, I'm not much of a reader either. I haven't even heard of Twilight. Who is the author?
Cute pictures!
And congratulations on reading a whole book! You know how I love to read, so it's fun to hear that you finished a book!
Thanks for playing today!
Yes, the Twilight series I too found to be addictive. My poor boys, they didn't really have a mother the time I was reading them. Good thing I speed read!
I love your pics. And I love the legwarmers--you are so creative!
Your kids are just too adorable. I can't believe how big they are both getting! Carson looks like such a big boy next to Bryn. I can't believe she is already smiling, what a cutie!
everyone keeps telling me i need to read these books. "oh edward, you would love it". i have heard though that it is one of those books that when you pick it up you will not want to do anything else.
Ok Lynette, your kids are just too cute. Love Carson's hair and Brynlee has the cutest smile.
I also got sucked into the Twilight book. I haven't read the others yet. I'm waiting for Santa to pull through and bring them to me for Christmas.
What a sweet, beautiful girl!! What a funny kid Carson is, he's so cute.
Congrates on reading such a good book! Are you going to continue with the rest of them???
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