I've decided that if you don't get much sleep you'll just get fatter and fatter...atleast I will! It's 1AM and I'm up doing a bunch of nothing. Not because I don't want to be sleeping, I already tried that, and some little baby girl won't let me. So, I've already eaten a nice big bowl of yummy ice cream...making that my second for the evening. If I was sleeping where I should be, I wouldn't have any need to eat yet another bowl of ice cream...so, getting less sleep really WILL make me fat! And why won't Brynlee sleep?? I don't know! Both kiddos have been sick the last few days and Carson has a nasty croupy cough, but he is sleeping like a champ. Bryn is congested, but I think right now she just doesn't WANT to sleep...what's up with that? I finally gave up playing the Binky game and just took her downstairs. Now we're watching the Grammys that I recorded and she's just all smiles...punk!!! If she thinks she gets to sleep the day away tomorrow and stay up all night, she's got another thing coming! We just need to get everyone in this house healthy so we can all get back to normal. I hate having sick kids, or being sick...blah!
So, whenever I'm up with a kid not sleeping, I can't help but think of my sister. She is the BEST! Most of you know about her daughter Claire and her health problems. Well, let's just say that Claire has many serious health problems, but not only that, Claire does NOT sleep. She really only sleeps a handful of hours a day. I have NO idea how Katherine does it. I for sure would've snapped by now. Claire was just in the hospital again all last week, so maybe something will change soon (although the last 9 hospital stays and change of medications never proved to help her sleep better). Katherine has been dealing with some very challenging things with little to no sleep in the last year! Katherine you are amazing! I always have to remind myself when I start complaining. I really hope something turns for the better soon and that family can get some sleep!!
Well, now Bryn is getting restless. Maybe she'll actually go to sleep now. We'll give it a shot! Wish me luck! Good night!
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
I think they have actually done studies that show if you get less sleep you are also prone to be fatter. I don't remember why off the top of my head but it has something to do with your metabolism. Crazy. I never get a lot of sleep so maybe that has something to do with my weight troubles!
I totally agree with the no sleep=getting fattier!!! I feel the same way, although, I just eat all day to try and stay awake for my kids. I have learned my lesson on not crashing and falling asleep while my kids are awake--I will blog that story. I think your sister is amazing too. All moms that have really sick children amaze me. But I think you are amazing too lynette.
My thing is that when I have to be up a million times a night with a crying baby, when he's finally back to sleep I feel like I deserve a huge treat. A little "pat on the back" for the tough job I'm doing. So, a couple of cookies, an ice cream sandwich, or something chocolate--I deserve it. And then, yes, on come the pounds as proof of my tough job.
Amen. Katherine and Jon are super troopers. Hang in there.
mike and i fall into the category of the kids are finally in bed, let's pull out the good stuff. we've been working on trying to break that habit, so far so good. it's a hard one to try and break though.
I hope little Brynlee learns to sleep at night for you. It sure is rough when your kids don't sleep. I, myself, had a rough night last night and by morning, our bed had Marlee, Mackenna, Mason, Michael and me in it!
I am so sorry for your sleep deprivation Lynette and think your sister is a saint for the little sleep she survives on... I so hope that the sleep situation gets better for you soon and for your sweet sister!
Lynette, this post made me laugh. How funny, but it's true. I don't do very well in the middle of the night, Steve knows it's him that has to get up.
Found your blog from Kristine's. Fun to see how your family is doing.
Pam Gandola
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