Carson had a great time with his two weeks worth of swim lessons. His teacher was McKaela and he just loved her. He did swim lessons with one of his favorite friends,
Lindsey and they had a great time together! Carson learned how to kick, do big arms, and big circles. By the end of his lessons, he also would put his whole head under water...yeah Carson!

Wow he is doing great!! What a cutie!!
Yea for Carson!! Kyle can't wait to start his lessons!!
Way to go Carson!!
How fun! We're giving Reyn swim lessons too. It's just so fun to see them take to water, isn't it.
That looks so fun; I love the huge smile on his face. It makes me want to sign Dallin up for lessons, too!
That's awesome that he taking swim lessons! He looks like he's having so much fun! I wish Jake would of made the cut off but he was one month shy of being able to take them. Next year!
Yeah Carson!! I was going to put Spencer in, but he isn't 3 until August, so missed the cut off-next year!!Jordan just finished hers loved it. Check out her progress on my blog. Swim lessons are the best-well worth the money!!
PS. Brynn is a duplicate of you in some of the pictures you post-soooo cute!!
How fun! I am glad that he is doing so well. We start swimming lessons on Monday and I am nervous about McKinley. She is not a water girl anymore. While living in Maryland and swimming with you and Mary she loved the water and would swim across the pool with her water wings. Now she won't even let go of me.
All right Carson!!! I love swimming lessons - Audrey and Kyle started yesterday too!
What a look of joy on Carson's face! Don't you just love summer?! I do!
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