We had a great Easter last weekend! We spent it with some awesome friends! There was ham, potatoes, brocolli salad, rolls....and even a chocolate chicken, yes you heard me right...a chocolate chicken!!! The kids LOVED playing in
Mary and Randy's huge backyard and had a blast finding eggs that we had hidden for them. It was a great day!

Carson is getting smarter these days and it's so fun to watch! He is learning to sound words out and read. You can actually see him working on a word and then it suddenly "clicks" and he gets it. It's so cute how excited and proud he gets when he reads a word. We like to use our alphabet magnets on our fridge to spell out some simple words for him. After doing that for about a half hour today he sat down to actual write some words. He's never tried to just write words on his own before. He wrote something on the paper and then showed me and asked "does this say apple?". He had written "APOL". I know, you're thinking...that's not right Lynette...but, wasn't that a great try? He's got the idea down. Then I told him how to really spell it and so he changed his "O" to a "P" and added an E at the end. Pretty smart kid! Here's his paper, if you look closely you can see where it originally said APOL. I'm excited for him to learn more and start kindergarten in the fall (I still can't believe that!).

Also, here is a sneak peak of some pictures my friend
Jen took this week for our
shop. Aren't they awesome! My models were perfect!