Nope, I'm not talking about the bad guy in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I'm talking about my sweet little 2 year old daughter! For the first year or so of her life, we affectionately (or maybe not) called her "The Shredder". We might have said it so much that even Carson started calling her that. Why? Because our sweet little baby could destroy ANYTHING! She would rip things to shreds in a matter of seconds. And if you wanted her to give something back that she had in her little shredding hands, she would give you this little look and then go kamakazi on it. Seriously, I'm pretty sure that if we gave her a phone book, that girl could rip the thing in half! So, she is the shredder. Lucky for us, she gradually got over her obsession with shredding things a while ago. We slowly began to trust her with books again and even so much that we would slide them in between the crib and bumper at night so she would have something to read in the morning...which she loved! Well, she has once again lost that privilege and re-earned the name of Shredder. Look what she did:
And yes, that is a LIBRARY book!!! So, there goes $17 to pay for that book. And this is not the first time...we're going to start taking money out of her college fund to pay for her book shredding. Well, there won't be anymore shredding for a while b/c no more books in bed for our sweet angel!
The End.
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
Alessia has the same compulsive disorder. If there is something in her room that could be shredded she will shred it. I don't really know how but she has shredded three of the vinyl pee sheets that covered her mattress. I hope the stage ends for both of us soon.
WOW. $17.00?!?! That's an expensive library book-but I'm also a real cheap-o! Samantha used to eat paper/books which was really gross. Hmmm, what's wrong with these girls?
Maybe Bryn just really hates Arthur... :)
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