We got a new camera. I. Love. It. It's a Cannon Rebel T1i. I was convince that I wanted a "nice" camera after borrowing my friend, Jen's camera. I loved the clarity of the pictures without me even knowing what I was doing. Here are a few pictures of the kiddos I took. These ones I did photoshop a little, just for fun.
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
AWESOME!!! Congrats:) So happy you went Canon-I'm a Rebel girl myself and I love it! )
Yay for a new camera! I'm excited for you - they are so fun!
(Good job Jen for introducing Lynette to the beauty of SLRs)
I am so excited for you! We actually got the same camera a couple months back & I couldn't be happier. Yah for nice cameras! -Fenna
I'm glad you got the new camera! Your pictures look GREAT!
That's wonderful that you have such fabulous friends and neighbors. Also, I love Brynlee's braided hair style in your earlier post. Very cute!
Outstanding photos Lynette! Not to mention beautiful kiddos.
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