Friday, December 10, 2010

Getting closer

I'm 34 weeks pregnant now...the time has flown by!!!  I knew it was going to speed up right at the end during all the holidays.  For the most part, I've been feeling great!   I'm starting to make sure everything is ready for when the baby comes.  I've already got his nursery ready and clothes all sorted and put away awaiting his arrival. 

Now, I just need to guarantee that he doesn't come in too big of a hurry.  Fast is fine, as long as we make it to the hospital. 


Ange said...

Wow! His room looks great! Way to be prepared! I love your fabric balls and the fan circles. I'm guessing you made it all. Very clever. I never felt like time went by fast when I was pregnant. I am glad it is for you.

A.Pandina said...

yeah, mine can't arrive soon enough! However I have been thinking about brynlee's birth and praying you don't go through that again. Fingers crossed for you :)

Lauren Phillips said...

So excited for you, but please do NOT repeat Brynlee's birth! :)