Here are some pictures of me after church today. I realized that I haven't taken any real pictures of me with my "belly", here they are. I'm 26 weeks now and feeling great. This pregnancy is flying right by and honestly sometimes I don't even feel pregnant. We're still trying to decide on a name. If anyone has any suggestions...feel free to tell me!

You are such a cute pregnant lady! My vote is still for Grace...Gracie to her loved ones!
okay you are seriously the cutest pregnant lady ever!!!
Beautiful as always.
I love the belly, you look good! I didn't feel pregnant either (i looked it) until I hit the 36 week mark and than I was ready to be done.
You look so Beautiful! Fun seeing some recent pictures of you. So your having a baby girl. How fun! It is fun to have both that's for sure.
You look radiant!! Fun belly pics!! Well my little Nina was almost a Lucy so that would be my suggestion! :) If you're considering Grace tho, I love that one too! If Ben would have been a girl he would have been Grace! :)
you look so cute! lately i have been loving the name lucy. i wish i knew if we were going to have a 4th and that it would be a girl, i would name her that:)
you look so good. good luck deciding on a name. Do you have any that you are leaning too?
You are so cute! It's been a while since I read your blog, so I'm glad to hear all is going well. As far as names go, what happened to Reese? I think it would be way cute. Some other girl names I like that I've come across (which I can't use since I found out I'm having a boy) are Lily, Elizabeth (maybe Ellie for short), Sydney, Anya, and Claire.
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