Brynlee just rolled over for the
first time 2 minutes ago...yeah! She rolled from her back to her tummy. She is getting to be a big girl! We also just went to the park this afternoon and she went on the swing and even the slide! She was all smiles on the swing and also loved going down the slide in her big brother's lap. Carson was so
sweet and loved to hold Bryn as he went down the slide. On another note, Carson has really done great potty training lately. He has gone a few weeks with
no pee-pee accidents. We even went to two stores today with underwear on and he did the #2 that's a whole other issue. Anyone got any suggestions for that? Here are some pictures:

Potty treats!
See, every time I use the toilet, and not my pants, Crystal gives me a treat!
Mendy gave me this tip on my blog last year and it worked like a charm. She said to tell him that the poopy goes in the potty and when you flush it all the poopy meets down for a poopy party and you really don't want your poopy to miss out on the poopy party! Seriously, it worked. Evan was so excited to get his poopy to the party on time.
Kaitlin would hold it in, I told her to ask for a diaper when she had to poop. I told her that I wouldn't get mad at her. When I could see she had to go, I would sit her on the potty with her diaper on. I'd ask her if she wanted her diaper on or off and let her make the decision. I also got her a stool to rest her feet on so she had a little more help sitting and pushing. In less than a week, she was going poopy on the potty without her diaper and it's been heavenly since! Good luck!
it always takes them longer to do poops than pee. once they get confident with peeing on the potty, the pooping will happen. mike hasn't really earned that many potty treats lately! :)
Yay for Carson - that's great!! So you know what worked for #2 in our house - donuts!! I told Ben I would give him a donut if he did a #2 on the potty and he totally did it that day. I almost went and bought the kid a dozen Krispy Kremes I was so happy, but decided to give him a little bite size chocolate one instead just to not set a precedent!!:)
We've been trying to get Mason excited about using the potty. I can't even get him to go #1, so you way ahead of the game there! Yesterday I think he sat on the potty for a good 15-20 minutes before we gave up and got him off.
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