I was tagged by my sis-n-law, Crystal. Here are the rules...and my answers!
A. The rules of this game are posted at the beginning.B. Each player answers the question about themselves.C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, and then leaves a comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog to get the directions.Questions:10 yrs ago:5 Things on my list of things to do today:Things I would do if I suddenly was a Billionaire:3 of my bad habits:Places I have lived:Jobs I have had:Things most people don't know about me:
10 yrs ago: I was 18 and in my freshman year at BYU. I was loving life and probably had a crush on 100 guys.
5 things on my list of things to do today: Call and make reservations for Dan's b-day dinner, Call and make Bryn's 6 month check-up appt., Call and get Bryn's county of birth changed (we've tried this a hundred times already), play with the kiddos, sew!
Things I would do if I suddenly was a billionaire: I'm pretty boring and I'm sure I would save a ton of it. But, that said, I would definitely want to make sure my family was financial set with college and stuff. And I would definitely get a bigger (not humongous) house with my very own sewing room!
3 of my bad habits: I bite my nails (but this doesn't bother me b/c I don't bite them all the way down to the skin, so it doesn't look terrible.) I always pick at scabs (i know it's gross, but I just can't help it).
Places I have lived: Rochester, NY. Provo, UT. Northern VA. Laurel, MD.
Jobs I have had: Cashier at Fays Drug store, Assistant librarian person at the nursing learning center at BYU, Nurse at George Wash University Hospital ER, nurse at Georgetown sedating people, nurse at Patient First Urgent Care, MOM!
Things most people don't know about me: Ummm......I use to have a space between my front teeth but I got it filled in after college. I can't roll my tounge. I've never had braces, but I had terrible eyes and got Lasix.
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
LYNETTE! Oh how I miss you! It's Jen (Autry) Wehrmeister. I found you through Fenna's blog. I guess I got lucky. How are you? Your family is beautiful, but with a mom like you how could it not be! www.wehrmeisters.blogspot.com. is mine. Okay well, I'm sure we will talk soon.
I didn't know you worked at Fays Drug Store!
oh you funny brother. yep, i worked at Fays at northgate plaza my senior year of high school, but only for about 4 months. it changed to Eckerd and now i think that is gone too.
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