So...we did it! We went to the White House Easter Egg Roll! We had a great Easter and went to our friend's house, the Pugs. We had a great dinner of ham and funeral potatoes, etc., then went to the Jensens for chocolate fountain dessert...yum! We spent the night at the Pugs and after the kiddos went to bed, we played Rock Band! That game is still WAY too fun! In the morning, we woke up early and headed into DC to go to the white house. We had never been to the Easter Egg Roll before so we were very excited...and also interested to see if it was worth the night camping out to get tickets. It was really neat to actually be ON the White House lawn and soo close to the White House. Ever since 9-11, you can't get very close at all. There were fun characters there for Carson to see and all sorts of games and things. Unfortunately the lines to do anything were really long, so we didn't do too much. Carson did want to get his face painted, so we did that and we also waited in line to do the egg hunt. There were also some entertainers there, including the Jonas brothers and some other Disney people. For me it was just fun to be there and see all the uppity DC'ers all dressed up fancy with their perfect little children. It reminded me of little Kennedy kids or something, just all dressed up perfect! We were not dressed up all fancy, but it was fun to look at all the different people...I guess I'm a people watcher. Speaking of people watching, we did see Barbara Bush up on the White House balcony, she was waving and taking pictures of the croud. We also saw lots of friends from church and it was a fun day. Both Dan and I decided though that it might not have totally been worth the camping out, but we're glad we can at least say that we did it once...and have pictures to prove it, here they are....
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
Cool! looks like you had a lot of fun. How far is it from where you live? I'd love to see it in person some day.
( hey I just saved 500.00 on my food bill this month. check out my blog to find out how I did it. (I am so excited had to share)
I'm Jealous. That sounds really neat. I don't like long lines though, so I know that I'll never get to go. Unless I happen to know the President someday, but looking around at the people I don know, there is little chance that any of them will become President. Oh Well!
We were there too!! Too bad we didn't see ya, but man wasn't it crowded?!! Fun pics and oh how sweet Brynlee looked in her Easter dress!!
I totally loved this too:
"see all the uppity DC'ers all dressed up fancy with their perfect little children."
i always see that on the news and wonder "who gets to go to that thing?" now i know! it looked like you had a fun time!
Looks like a lot of fun! Everytime I look at pictures of your children, I think -oh they are so CUTE! I would love to kiss Bryn's cheeks.
That is pretty cool. I didn't even know that they had something like that. It looks like you guys had a blast! Happy Easter!! (a little late)
That is so fun! What great memories.
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