Tami and I have been working on getting our little sewing business website up and running, but it's taking longer than expected. We keep telling everyone it is "under construction" or "almost ready", but since we're not sure exactly when it will be totally ready, we've started a little Etsy shop instead. We are totally excited to have a site and have been adding lots of stuff to it! Tami and I have done craft shows and festivals for the last few years now and so we're excited to get our stuff ONLINE! Feel free to let your friends know about it or post it on your blog; word of mouth is our best advertising. Take a look around and let us know what you think! Here's the link:
Too funny...I started reading it and thought, wow, we really think alike! Then the light bulb clicked on! Isn't copy and paste AWESOME!!
I love the site! You are so talented and the fabrics are so adaorable. I would love to see what your modest mommy covers look like. I didn't really get a gist of what they really were by the pictures. I am guessing they are like hooter hiders?
Cool:) I put the link on my web page. I love those modest mommy things and will totally get one for my next kid.
What great baby shower gift ideas too!
I love your website! It's awesome, and all your little things are so cute! I might have to get a tie for Jake!
Awesome! Way to go! You are so talented.
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