I had a fabulous weekend!! It was jammed packed with friends and fun! On friday we went over to the church in the morning to work on some projects for Super Saturday the next day. Tami and her son, Kyle, met us there and we worked on our frames. Then Dan and Tami's husband, Scott, came home early from work and went off to play volleyball. Then at around 5pm Mary came over with the babysitters (2 young women from our ward who are sisters) to watch all 6 kids that we would have there that night. Once the sitters were there and all the kids, the girls all went out for a girls night (it also happened to be my birthday...yeah!). There were seven of us girls and we went to The Cheesecake Factory. We talked and laughed soo much and had really yummy food...it was awesome!! While the girls were out, the boys went to another friends house for pizza and Rock Band. After dinner the girls hung out longer to talk and the boys played Rock Band some more. It was an awesome day!!! Then on saturday we went to Super Saturday at church all morning and afternoon. I made a magnet board and some magnets to go on it. Here it is:

I'm hoping to use it in my future craft room :) Super Saturday is one of my favorite activities all year. We just work on crafts and talk...it's great!!! When we got home from that, the boys went to another friends house to watch the BYU game. After that we went to dinner and then it was pretty much bedtime. One of the young women from church spent the night at our house and we watched a movie and had icecream before we went to bed...it was fun! It was another fabulous day!!! The only complaint I had about friday and saturday is that I didn't get to see Dan very much at all! Sunday was also a very exciting day. I was released as Young Women's president! I knew it was coming b/c we are hoping to be moving sometime in the near future (no news on selling our house yet). It was a bittersweet day. The girls were "mad" at me for not staying president until the "day I move". I have built some awesome friendships with these girls and will miss being with them so much! I will NOT miss all of the meetings and time spent doing this calling though :) I'm excited to have a break for a little while and have more time at home. The new presidency is going to be AWESOME! So, there you have it, lots of stuff happened this weekend...it was a fantastic weekend!
ooooo, so fun!!! happy birthday!! we meant to come up, but johne had a TON of homework due that night! hopefully we'll come visit soon!
i'm so jealous of the super saturdays. i wish we did that here.
Did you get our b-day message? I hope you had a great one! (we're on our way to 30! AHHHHH)
Lynette, you are so fortunate to have so many good friends in your ward and neighborhood. Sam and I have lived in SV for a year and still don't have any real friends. My sister and her husband lived here a few years ago and had the same bad luck. It is a small town--maybe that's part of it. Of course, it doesn't help that as soon as we moved in, I was put in Primary and Sam in Young Men's. And other couples our age are totally done with school (and Sam is really just beginning). Ah well. Glad you were surrounded with friends for your birthday--wished I could have been with you. The thirties are really the new twenties. I love being in my thirties. heidi
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