We had a great time celebrating Bryn's first birthday! Yesterday, on her actual b-day, we had a nice relaxed day. I still can't believe she is already one! For dinner we took her to Chic-fil-A and got nuggets and a milkshake. She loved the shake, well until she tipped it upside down...all down her shirt! She spent the rest of the time on the playplace with nothing but a skirt on. Tonight we celebrated a little with some cake and good friends. We made a PEEP (from the cartoon PEEP and the Big Wide World) cake and some cupcakes. Bryn loved her cupcake! She started off by just dipping her little fingers into the frosting and licking them. Then she picked it up and went to town! She also got a few presents...which her older brother and friends helped open! She got a cute little singing seahorse stuffed animal, a My Little Pony, and a funny ball. She is such a sweet girl and we love her soo much! We look forward to many more birthdays with you Brynlee girl!!! Here is what she is doing at ONE:
-Says "mama", "dada", "baba", "uh-oh"
-goes up and down stairs all by herelf
-walks while holding on to something...although, tonight she took a few steps by herself!
-claps for herself whenever she makes it to the top of the stairs
-loves to swing
-loves to play with her brother...especially when they are suppose to be napping
-smiles all the time
-loves to eat
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9 years ago
She is beautiful! I am glad that you had such a fun birthday. We get to celebrate Preston's next month.
Happy First Birthday, Brynlee! It's so exciting! I'm glad you had so much fun!
I can't believe that Noah's first birthday is coming up in Oct. Wow, and he's my last little guy.
Cherish these moments, they grow up too fast! You can plainly see that on my blog with how big my kids are now.
Happy happy birthday to your sweet smiley girl!!
what a cutey-pants. happy b'day brynlee!
How is it possible that she's one already? Time has flown!
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