While leaving preschool yesterday, it started to snow...well, barely snow. But enough that Carson and his best bud, Lindsey could notice it....and they LOVED IT!!! They were so sad when only minutes later the little flurries were no where to be seen. Later that afternoon it flurried a bit more and I showed Carson the snow on the back deck (see picture above), to which Carson replied, "Wow, look at all that snow, there's so much of it!". Poor kid born in Maryland, where THIS is a lot of snow and people cancel school and work for just a forecast of the fluffy white stuff. Oh, if he only understood what REAL snow was...maybe this year we'll get a couple big storms :)
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
We're covered in white stuff up here. Maybe it will be nice and snowy for Thanksgiving when you guys come up. We can take the kids sledding.
That is all the snow we have gotten this year. I would rather play at the park than in the snow.
Let it STOP!!!
I'm just glad you took a picture of that!
Being so snow shy is one of Maryland's most endearing traits.
I love a good snowfall in time for Christmas, but after that, I'm ready for spring and good walking and park weather!
Oh I'm going to miss the endless news coverage of people running to the store for milk, bread, and toilet paper when a storm is coming!! MD is so funny! Fun "snow" pic!;)
We lived in Maryland for one year, and coming from Utah I remember how funny it seemed that things would be canceled if any snow was in the forecast. I remember one Sunday they had us go home early from church because of the possibility of some snow. (I was a little suspicious of their motive, however, since it was Super Bowl Sunday and we encountered no bad weather on our drive home.)
Hahaha! He needs to go to Rochester to see real snow!
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