The title may be a little harsh, but that is how I feel right at this very moment. I have always had a love/hate relationship with video games (I love Rock Band and hate all others :), but now I think I'm just gonna hate them all for what they are doing to my sweet little boy. No, we do NOT have a gaming system (and that is looking less and less likely to ever happen, sorry Dan), but Carson has
recently learned how to play little computer games on
NickJr.com. He can totally play them and use the mouse and keyboard. I'm a little proud of his cool computer using skills, but what the games are doing to my little boy is driving me CRAZY! He loves them
sooo much that
every time we say it's time to stop (and we give him plenty of fair warning), he throws a fit. I explain before and after playing
every time that he needs to be a big boy to play and not cry when it's time to stop. Well, tonight was especially bad! He actually left the computer fairly easily to go up to bed, but then started crying about it. I kinda lost it on him and was NOT happy! I think we may have to stop video games all together for a while. Or
I've also though of getting a kitchen timer, so he knows when it dings it's time to stop. I don't really have a problem with him playing them, but i hate his reaction when it's time to stop...
arghh!!! Any suggestions??