We found out that we didn't get our house tonight. We are totally bummed! I mean, really, really sad.
On an even sadder note, my sister's daughter who is handicapped, is not doing well. They found out she has pneumonia and she's not looking very good. My heart just aches for them.
So, sorry for the depressing blog. My eyes cannot cry anymore than they have tonight. And on that note, me and my bloodshot, stinging eyes are going to bed. We'll see if I can sleep. Good night!
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
Oh Lynette, I'm sorry about all your sad news. I hope little Claire and her family are okay. Poor thing!
oh no lynette!!! i'm so sad for you! we will keep you in our prayers.
Bummer about the house, but the fortune I believe said "within a year" so you are still on target to get it to work.
Claire.....I heard today she's doing slightly better, but you probably know that by now too.
Wow, what a hard day! I'm so sorry. Hopefully your niece makes a turn for the better. We'll keep her in our prayers! As far as your house goes, don't give up yet. When we were looking for houses, we really wanted the house we were in, but the owners accepted someone else's offer. Well, to make a long story short, the offer fell through and we ended up getting the house. You never know!!
Oh, my dear friend! My heart is just aching for you. House hunting is one big emotional rollercoaster and you have all my sympathy. And I hope the best for your wee niece. Go rest your cried-out eyes!
I'm sorry about Claire Bear and the house. Rough days are no fun. Hopefully things take a turn for the better soon.
This is Dan's cousin Julie.
Hang in there!!!! I feel your pain. We just closed on a house that we put an offer in for way back in October.
Good luck with it all!
OH, I am soooo sorry!!! You will be in our prayers along with your sister's baby. We love you guys!!!
I'm so sorry about the house. But I've found time and time again that when things don't work out the way I think they should have, it's been for a reason. I'm sure you'll find someplace great!
How is Claire doing? I'd really like an update. She's been in my thoughts.
:( I'm so sorry Lynette! I have to agree with my older and wiser sister though...I know things work out in the way that we need them to, even if it's not what WE anticipated needing.
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