2. I've been married for 3 years to an awesome guy named DAN!
3. I have a son named Carson, who is 19 months old.
4. Carson is the middle name of one of Dan's grandpa's and is a last name further back in that same family line.
5. I don't have a middle name, besides my maiden name which is Simmons.
6. My nickname from my family and friends when I was really young was 'Spaghetti Head' b/c of this picture my dad took.

7. Other nicknames I had were Nette, Netters, NutterButter, and Chemo.
8. Fortunately I didn't have the nickname Chemo b/c I was being treated for some kind of cancer, but b/c I shaved the bottom half of my head when I was in middle school and that's what my brother called me afterwards.
9. I went to Guatemala for a nursing program in college and was able to learn in the hospital and small clinics there...it was awesome!
10. I got stiches in my chin/bottom lip from when I fell off the monkey bars when I was 2.
11. I use to have a gap inbetween my front two teeth but got it filled in a few years ago.
12. My mom had her appendix taken out when she was 5 months pregnant with me.
13. I got Lasik eye surgery this year and absolutely love it!
14. I love to dance and took dance lessons for 10 years growing up.
15. I was MVP on my high school volleyball team.
16. I'm a nurse.
17. I worked at George Washington University Hospital in the ER right out of nursing school.
18. I've taken care of hundreds of people and seen many crazy things, including births and deaths.
19. I now work at
Patient First, a free standing urgent care center.
20. I helped deliver a baby at Patient First...that is NEVER suppose to happen.
21. I sang in lots of choirs in high school and still love to sing all the time!
22. Dan and I went to Niagara Falls for our Honeymoon and loved it. We even went over the falls in a barrel (well atleast we did that in a simulator ride).

23. I hate speedbumps
24. I love being a mom, except I haven't figured out the whole disciplining thing...any suggestions?
25. I've donated hair to Locks of Love before.
26. I was 9 day's overdue with Carson.
27. I can't roll my tounge.
28. I played the clarinet, oboe, and english horn in high school...I wish I could still play them now.
29. I don't like to be super hot...I usually would rather be on the chilly side.
30. I love checking my email.
31. I don't think I should have zits when I'm 27, but I still do...blah!
32. I've done CPR before (in the hospital) and hope never to have to do it outside the hospital.
33. I took piano lessons for a few months when I was little and wish I hadn't quit. I still like to play now, but really wish I was better.
34. I am so blessed to have the family that I do...all of you!
35. I love my friends.
36. I think "Mormon-Ads" are hilarious...and very creative.

37. I had tons of "Mormon-Ads" stuck to my closet doors when I was in high school.
38. I was in the Mormon Youth Chorus when I lived in Utah.
39. My parents bought me a sewing machine for my birthday two years ago and ever since I've been sewing like crazy...I absolutely LOVE TO SEW!
40. I was given the "Most outstanding Instrumentalist of the Year" award in High school for playing the oboe.
41. I've always been jealous of my sisters singing voice and would never sing in front of my family b/c of it. I'm still a little jealous...she has an amazing voice!
42. I had a crush on my band teacher and my english teacher in high school.
43. I use to hate going to fabric stores with my mom and now I LOVE fabric!!!
44. Dan says I have "Automotive Narcolepsy" b/c I ALWAYS fall asleep in the car.
45. I loved being pregnant.

46. I don't really enjoy reading novels....or many books for that matter.
47. I left to go to BYU on the same day I graduated from high school...and I still missed the first week of summer classes.
48. I love the greenery and the trees in the East.
49. I pushed 3 1/2 hours during labor with Carson and they eventually had to deliver him with forceps.
50. I hate laundry and never can get the last loads folded before there is already more loads to do.
51. I think my parents are the greatest parents ever!
52. I'm not very good at English and Dan likes to point that out often (b/c I make lots of mistakes with my writing and speach).
53. I wish my house was always clean; I try my best to keep it clean.
54. I accepted my job in DC on September 11th, 2001.
55. I am the youngest of four kids...my oldest brother Ken, then Mike, then my sister Katherine.
56. I loved Human Anatomy class and would study the cadavers all the time.
57. When I look at clothing (especially baby clothes) I try to figure out how they made it and secretly think to myself "I could make that".
58. I saw Milli Vanilli in concert and have seen lots of other concerts since.
59. I love broadway musicals.
60. I love my little man, but I do hope some day to have a little girl too.
61. I'm the Young Women's president in my church right now.
62. I loved watching Kelly Clarkson on the first season of American Idol.
63. I've had 3 boyfriends, one being my husband :)
64. When I was younger I wanted to be either a Veterinarian or a Coronor.
65. I LOVED my BYU experience and would go back there in a second!
66. I'm frugal.
67. I would be completely lost in life without my
68. I love the internet.
69. Dan and Carson make me happy.
70. I loved High School!
71. I love to quilt and have made several quilts.

72. I'm a people pleaser.
73. I would rather sing a solo than give a talk.
74. I really don't like when people ask me medical advise b/c they don't understand that I don't really remember EVERYTHING from nursing school and that usually you need some diagnostic testing to really make diagnosis....ahh, sorry I could go on forever about that one.
75. Even though I don't like when people ask me medical questions, I do always try to be nice and helpful anyway :)
76. I love bread, rolls....carbs!
77. I never had braces.
78. I want so badly to be a good mom.
79. I grew up in a suburb outside of Rochester, NY called Greece. I lived in the same bedroom from birth until I went to college.
80. I'm terrible at reading my scriptures...I just don't understand them.
81. I hate call waiting.
82. I like to blog.
83. I like the show "ER". And yes those things really do happen.
84. I love ColdStone "Cake Batter" flavored icecream.
85. I don't think I've ever eaten any candy that I don't like.
86. I hope that I will always be a good mother and friend to my children (just like my mom!)
87. I bite my fingernails, but not really short.
88. I was voted "most likely to become faculty at BYU" from my nursing class. I really did LOVE BYU!!!
89. The palms of my hands itch when I get really cold.
90. I like to scrapbook.
91. I have great in-laws.
92. I like going to the mall to just walk around and look at stuff.
93. Dan and I go on "dates" to
Wegmans for lunch/dinner.
94. I consider myself pretty laid back.
95. I have always admired my mom and dad.
96. I started a club at BYU against pornography and it is still going today.
97. I hate aggressive drivers.
98. I am totally afraid of hitting a deer when I'm driving.
99. I love rollercoasters.
100. I am happy.
Do we have anything in common? What are 100 things about you?