Yesterday we had an "exciting" day. After I worked all day, Dan and I decided to go to Ledo's pizza for dinner, since we had a gift card. While we were waiting for our pizza, Carson was being pretty good. We got an appetizer of cheese fries (we were going for healthy of course) and I gave Carson a piece of bacon. Well, it was a long, stringy, piece of bacon and he shoved the whole thing in his mouth. He usually does fine with just about any type of food and rarely ever chokes. After chewing and working on his stringy piece of bacon for about 5 minutes, he started gagging. I held him while he tried to gag it up and then.....PUKE! I quickly put out my hand and caught it. Then he puked it again! Then Dan pulled the half swallowed piece of bacon out of his mouth and he puked that too! Well, I guess I didn't completely get it all since it was all over him and me too. So, Dan quickly asked our waitress if we could get our pizza to go while I cleaned us up best I could. Then we got out of there as fast as we embarrassing!!! I actually don't know if other people in the restaurant really noticed our little incident but Carson was a little freaked out by it, so we just took him home to calm down. He was fine when we got home and we finished our dinner there. Oh, the constant joys of parenting.
After dinner I left to go set up for the youth dance that we were in charge of. Of course, we had a St. Patty's day theme. He handed out glow necklaces to all the boys and they had to ask a girl to dance and give her the necklace. It was pretty fun. I think overall the dance was a big success. My friend Chantel and I danced the night away and maybe scared a few of the youth. After a couple hours of "helping" the kids dance together, they finally seamed to do it by themselves by the end. I really think the dance was a hit!
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
I love that you "helped" the kids dance together!
So I posted that last comment on the wrong post sorry.
I love your "puke" story each kid has to have one. Kaitlin had the flu bug a few months back and we were staying on the las vegas strip when Rod's family was in town and she puked in 3 resturants and a few hotel rooms, it's so embarrassing.
I'm impressed by your ability to catch puke without puking yourself.
We have had 2 public puking incidents - one where no one around us noticed. The second, though, was awful. Randy was out of town just before Rand was born, so I fed Lindsey some soup, which she gobbled up, and headed to Panera for dinner. We got in line and Lindsey (out of nowhere) started puking up huge amounts of chicken noodle soup all over the place. Splat, splat, splat! Seriously, all over. I froze. People stared. She had a little pause in the puking, so I ran back to the bathroom with her, but she started it up again and left a little "trail" all the way to the bathroom. It was so embarrassing.
Are you grossed out now? haha!
yah, that is pretty bad Mary. I don't know what we would have done if it was all over the floor...yuck! Luckily it was all over Carson and me and in my hands. I've dealt a lot with puke, being a nurse and all, but I would've preferred to have some gloves on :)
Is Carson weary of eating now? Curtis wouldn't eat for a day or two when choked on his first cracker.
And now if he even thinks he is going to choke he pukes. I hate it. I can't handle puke. I never threw up as a kid and now I have a kid who pukes weekly.
It is gross!
Nope, Carson has always been an eater...and continues to be an eater. Luckily I can still count how many times he's puked on one hand, I think we're doing pretty good.
So sorry but it's true that all parents have a story like that.
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