Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cute Carson...

Carson just keeps getting more and more fun! He is now talking a ton and it's soo fun to hear what he says. He can put a few words together, but no big sentences yet. He pretty much copies anything we say. I wasn't sure when he would start really talking because at his 18 month doctor check up, the doctor said he should know more words (he really didn't know any words, just a handful of animal sounds), but only a few months later he started saying all sorts of words! He went from not even saying mama and dada to saying TONS of words. It's just so fun!! Here are some of my favorite things he says:

1. funny mommy....funny daddy....funny ball....funny truck....(he just says funny in front of whatever he thinks is funny)

2. dirty (he says this with a cute little voice and doesn't say the "R" that well so it sounds so cute)

3. Martian...EIEIO (we have this weird Old MacDonald book that has normal farm animals and then the last one is a Martian. Carson LOVES the martian and when singing the song he ALWAYS picks to sing about the martian)

4. Prophet & Jesus (Carson loves to point out the prophet and Jesus in his church books).

5. After reading this post by Mendy, I decided to ask Carson "who loves Mommy?"....his answer?....."daddy!"....too cute.

6. Bye, Bye slide! (He always sadly says this when we leave the playground)

Okay, I'll stop there. It's just soo fun to hear him talk in his cute little voice. We love you Carson!


A.Pandina said...

He really is a cute little buy. I'm glad to know that he is now communicating with you. Have you trying some sign language? Matt is teaching his daughter some basic signs.

janeen said...

It is always so fun when they satrt talking. They are just too cute and they say the funniest things!

Anonymous said...

I love listening to little kids talk and watching them. It is like you can almost see the wheels inside their little heads turning. It is just amazing to see how much they have learned in such a short amount of time. If you really think about it Kids learning to talk within 18 months of being born is a miracle. How many of us can learn a language that fast?

Debbie said...

that is so fun. aren't kids the best!

when do you find out what you are having?

Lynette said...

I made my appointment for my ultrasound for May 8th...and I can't wait!!!! We're going to Utah next week, then when we come back we can find out...yeah!

Crystal said...

Carson is my cutest nephew! (So far he's my only nephew...but that's besides the point!) I love when they start to talk. make sure you write down the super cute stuff because you won't remember it later and you'll want to.

Jenni said...

What a cutie!! I love the "bye bye slide"!! - how sweet is that!! :)

Mendy said...

How cute is your boy, Lynette? I love reading all his cute sayings. That's sweet that he knows Daddy loves Mommy; that's so important!

Unknown said...

I think Carson is super cute, and I love when kids start talking and parroting everything you say. Zack now says "What happened?" We must say that a lot.

Nettie! said...

That's such a fun age! Way to go with your talking, Carson! I had a really early talker and a kind of late one (who's since caught up but is having articulation delays) and it sounds like Carson is more average, which is so great! He's so cute and smart! What a blessing children are!!