I don't care what you call them, FLA-VOR-ICE or POP-ICE...I LOVE THEM!!!! I have always loved snow cones, shaved us, Hawaiian ice...whatever ICE!! I love this stuff. Since the weather has been so nice this week, I had to go out and buy myself a 100 count box of these things. I am seriously addicted, I could eat 10 a day (and sometimes do!). I just love these things...it's going to be a great summer...yummm!
On a more serious note, I want to ask you all your opinion. I've been wondering what I should do about this for months now and still haven't made up my mind. Tomorrow we are off to Utah (I'm soo excited) and this weekend we will be going Jeepin' down in Moab. I don't know if any of you have ever been "Jeepin", but it's pretty fun (Dan's family is totally into it). You take jeeps out and go over trails where you climb up/down giant rocks and other obstacles. It is pretty bumpy, but not fast at all. You literally go like a mile an hour...really! So, the question is: should I go with everyone jeeping since I am 18 weeks pregnant??? Dan said that we can go on a pretty MILD course with me and Carson, and then he can drop us off for lunch/nap while he does some crazier stuff. I honestly think it would be fine if I went, but I'm just not sure if I should do it. I keep going back and forth. What do you all think???
Here we are jeeping a couple years ago:
I know nothing about being pregnant, what does your doctor say? Part of me says DO IT! Then the other part says, wait a minute...what's more important, mom and baby being safe? YES! My final answer is no, don't do it.
I'm not sure Lynette... You hear about things going wrong too much -I don't know if I'd do it...But I've never been Jeeping and don't know that much about it. I look back now at going skiing when I was barely pregnant and wonder, though???
Just be careful. Especially since you have a hard time with being pregnant! I wouldn't risk it. The seatbelt might pull funny on your stomach depending on the angle of the jeep and stuff...but ultimately it's up to you. You don't want something to happen later and spend the rest of your life wondering if it was from that one time. You can always go jeeping another time after the baby comes, if something happens who knows. we love you either way! :)
I stocked my freezer with popsicles this week, too!
Have a great time in Utah! I think you've got to go with your gut on the whole jeeping thing.
we love otter pops here too. They are cheap and yummy!
As for jeeping do what you think is right for you. We planned a trip to an indoor amusement park when I was just a few months along and I really wanted to ride the rides. I ended up opting out because I heard the jerking part of the rides is the most dangerous at the beginning of your pregnancy. Good luck deciding!
Well w/ my pregnancies I've never been able to do much of anything - not even go up the stairs more than 4 xs a day w/ Nina... But then again my problems that aren't all that common... Honestly I'm a total worry wart so I would say its better to be safe than sorry, but that's just me. I hope you have a great time in Utah, Lynette!!! :)
I love flavor-Ice too. They are called Otter-pops out west. We had so many our first summer here in Vegas since our neighbor was addicted and couldn't go to the park or the pool at 9am every day without them.
I don't think I'd do it. I always took it really easy when I was pregnat. I never heard of Pop Ice must be a NY thing or East US thing.
i have been jeeping and if you go on an easy ride then i would say do it.
since we have had all these car problems we thought seriously of getting another jeep [we had one when we were dating]. but we remembered they only have 2 seat belts in the back:(
when are you going to be in utah? we are also going.
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