I tell you, I really do have the world's greatest husband. This weekend while my brother and his wife we're visiting, I came down with some kind of flu bug. I don't like being sick (who does) and I'm not a very pleasant sick person. I would like to think I am, but when my darling husband is around, I'm pretty much just useless and whiny. This weekend, he took care of me soo well and didn't question when I slept the entire day away without helping out with ANYTHING! He is so good to me....thanks Dan!!!
Once I was feeling better last night, I finally cut Dan and Carson's hair. They had been needing it for a while. Carson was actually excited to get his hair cut (he usually does well, but we put a DVD on) and I had half of it cut before the DVD even started. He is so cute! We also let him watch the rest of his show with the headphones on b/c we want him to be use to them for when we are on the plane. He didn't seam to mind them one bit.

Okay, one more story. So, the other day Dan, Carson, and I were all driving in the van listening to "The Phantom of the Opera". Carson was being very good and barely making a peep. The part of the song came on where the Phantom is mad and yells "DAMN YOU!". Well, after minutes of silence, Carson decided to repeat something...can you guess what he said??? Dan and I were dying laughing...what are we teaching are child?
That is so funny! I can only imagine that they all swear sometime.
what is your secret to getting Carson to enjoy haircuts. Curtis has so much hair and it grows too fast that I can never keep up. He hates getting his haircut.
That Phantom bit is just too funny!! I'm so glad you're feeling better - I had a day in bed during the flu I had too. Thanks goodness for helpful hubbies!! :)
That post reminds me of a time I was watching "What Not to Wear" and Audrey happened to be in the room and afterwards she wanted to change her clothes and came down changed and said "Mom, do I look Saxy?" (meaning sexy.) I decided she can't watch that show anymore!!
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