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Well, we got it! We are so excited! After dealing with a very annoying manager who wasted our time with his "talk", we found another dealership who was super nice and had the van we wanted for the right price...yeah! So, we bought it on wednesday. It is so fun! The back seats fold down so easily and the middle seats fold down too. There is also a 6-CD changer and a DVD player. We actually didn't want the DVD player but this one was the same price as others without it and it was the only one in the color we wanted at multiple dealerships. So, we got the DVD, but haven't shown it to Carson yet. I know once he sees that it is in there he will always ask for a "show?" when we get in the car...uggh! We are still saddened by the loss of the Jeep, but we are very excited for our new van, we can already tell we are going to LOVE it!

On another note, this weekend my brother Ken and his wife, Roxie, came to visit. It was a very quick trip, but it's always fun to have visitors. Unfortunately I had the flu while they were here and so I wasn't very fun. They had a good time, keeping busy with a wedding to go to and lots of visiting friends and sites. Thanks for coming guys, you are welcome ANY time!!!!
NICE van!! It looks so great! I must say put off the DVD as long as possible!! (I'm pretty much stuck with listening to movies cause of the DVD player, but it makes road trips so much easier!!)
I'm sorry you have the flu!! I hate the timing of flus!! Hope you get feeling better soon!
New cars are fun! Enjoy it, I assume you will bring the van to NY when you come in June??? Can't wait to see you guys!
Woo Hoo! I love it! Vans are awesome.
Looks really nice. I love that the seats all fold and move. Enjoy the DVD player. We need to get a portable one before we go to Utah this weekend.
Congratulations! When we were pregnant with Kaden and needed to move up from our Chevy Cavalier, I really wanted to get an SUV (so did Kevin) - we didn't want a minivan initially, but where the gas prices were then, there was no way we could not choose a minivan instead. Now that he works where he does, I wish we could have gotten the Sienna, but oh well. All minivans are nice in that they have a lot of room and the kids can see a lot more. My kids love ours!
nice van! my neighbor has this same van, in fact same color as well, and LOVES it! we also have the dvd player but we made a rule that they can only watch it if we are going on a "trip". which that means over and hour in the car, just an idea.
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