We just got back from a great trip to Rochester! We started our trip bright and early on Wednesday morning. The kids did wonderful in the car and we got there around 2pm. After a little time hanging out we went to Wegmans to get some ingredients for the next day. After that trip to Wegmans, we had been to 3 Wegmans in 3 different states all in the same day! That night we made some cranberry ice cubes (I don't know if we can really say we "made" those), a seven layer jello (well, 6 layers since Carson spilled one...oops!), and an egg nog pie...yum!!! The next day was full of cooking, family, and football (this was Dan mostly). We had our family, my brother's family, and my parents for our dinner. My mom did a wonderful job with the main dishes and it was a delicious meal. Afterwards we played a game all together and that was really fun. Friday morning my mom,
Crystal, and I went to the day after Thanksgiving sale at Joann Fabrics at 6:30AM. None of us had ever been shopping on black Friday, but it was totally worth it!! The flannel was 99cents/yard and tons of other stuff was 50% off. I got lots of flannel (not like I need any more) and some other fun things. It was pretty fun to see all the crazy "fabric-goers" with stacks and stacks of bolts in their carts. I thought they were out of control, but I quickly became one of them. It was really fun! Later that day,
Alison and Nick came over and we had a great time catching up. Alison is expecting her first baby at the beginning of January and she looks great! They are going to be great parents. We went to Wegmans for dinner and continued to enjoy our time together. Saturday morning we went to breakfast with Jill. She always spoils us and not only brought gifts for the kids, but also bought us breakfast...Jill, you're out-of-control! After breakfast my mom and I went to a craft fair at the fair grounds. It was fun to have some time together with my mom. Then later that evening Jill came back over to hang out and show us her wedding pictures. Her pictures were gorgeous!! Then this morning we woke up bright and early again and headed back to MD. The kids did amazing in the car again! I can honestly say that neither kid cried at all on the trip up and back...it was AWESOME!!!! We had a great time visiting with our family and friends and wish we could have stayed longer. We were also able to get some really good pictures of the kids while we were there...thanks dad! Here are a few....

And which of these do you like best? Black and White or Color?

It was so great to see your family! I wish we had more time together. Carson is very cute and so friendly, polite too. Brynlee is a beautiful little "boogery" baby, hope she is feeling better. Thank you so much for the baby gift, you are way too generous! By-the-way...I like the black/white picture.
cute pictures! sounds like you had a really nice thanks giving. Our family did too we spent thanks giving with my in laws this year.
I'm glad you guys had such a nice holiday!
I love all those picture - especially the first solo picture of Carson. He's got such personality! Miss Brynlee is a beauty and that last picture in black and white is really pretty.
Hi Lynette! It's Fenna, your old, old roommate! I was thinking about you & looked you up. You have the cutest family! I am glad things are going so great for you guys. I'd love to hear from you if you get a chance! Our blog address is www.chrisandfenna.com -See ya!
Ooh, the black and white gets my vote. I just love it with the red flower.
those are such good pictures. your dad is so talented. it looks like you had a great thanksgiving.
I also love Wegmans. When I was in NY this summer they had a grand opening for one and I had to go before I flew out. I wish they had Wegmans here.
Oh and I like the color picture of Brenley the most.
Wow, those pictures are just precious! My vote is for the color one of Brynlee. She is a lovely baby. And I love your idea about our wishbone, we both won!
The pictures are all super cute. AS far as the b&W versus color, I think I like the color version better; the flower is just a little too vibrant in the b&w version. It distracts me a little from the cuteness that is Brynlee!
I love the black and white picture! I love the contrast of the red flower! we had a fun time hanging out with you guys!
I love reading about your family and seeing all the great pictures! (Since we are so far away!) I vote for the color picture of Brynlee. It brings out her cute, rosy cheeks. And the shades of red are beautiful. And Carson is a handsome young man! I'm glad you are all doing well.
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