....but soooo worth being there!!!! We went camping this weekend and had a GREAT time!!! After much complaining on my part about all the stuff we had to take (basically half the house) to go camping, we got to Blue Knob state park on friday night and had an awesome weekend camping there. We went with about 100+ people from our ward and another ward to a beautiful part of the country in Pennsylvania. The camp ground was awesome with nice cabins (no electricity, but very nice), a big mess hall, and not so terrible bathrooms! It was sooo beautiful out there. We had an awesome time hanging out with some of our closest friends. The kids also LOVED camping!! Carson was in heaven; just running around with friends, playing with rocks and sticks, roasting marshmallows by the fire, getting dirty, peeing on trees....everything that BOYS love to do!! Bryn was a peach and was great all weekend. Both kids took naps each day and slept great at night...despite the frigid temperature. I especially enjoyed seeing my kids so happy and spending time talking with friends. We had a couple fun nights of laughing around the campfire till late into the night...it was great!!! It was so much fun that we hope we can do it again next year (I'll just need an attitude adjustment for the packing/getting ready to go part :) Here are some pictures....only a few, b/c our camera broke half way through, bummer!

New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
i'm so jealous! that sounds like so much fun! the kids have been begging us to go camping. we should meet in the middle somewhere and camp together! boys love peeing on trees! it's so funny! it's funnier watching mike try to teach brooke how to pee outside! i'm laughing just thinking about it!
Ah, Blue Knob! Can I tell you how jealous I am that I couldn't go this year?! We had so much fun last year - it is so gorgeous up there and there's nothing like hanging out with such fun friends for a weekend. I'm glad you had a great time and that the kids were good for you. My burning question: Did Debi make it up there?
I'm glad you're all happy campers! Too bad about your camera though. It's been fun looking at your blog!
Couldn't live without the exersaucer, huh? Might have left more room in the car....Ha Ha Ha!!
Looks like tons of fun-we may try this summer as well...well, Darin says only if there is a Marriot close:) He said he would consider cabins. I really want to go because Spencer would love it as much as Carson. Maybe it would help with the potty training.....ugh....
that looks and sounds like a lot of fun. does your ward do a family camp trip instead of a father son camp out?
you always have to pack so much for kids.
That looks so fun! So glad the kids were good for you.
How fun! Sam and I went camping back in march (you have to camp early in the season when you're in the desert), and we had a blast. I think little Reyn would have even more fun now that he's able to run around with confidence. That was the hard part for him--he kept stumbling over his feet, landing in the dirt. He slept so good that night, but Sam and I hardly slept a wink--that's the one thing i hate about camping. Sleeping bags on the ground aren't that comfortable.
That looks like so much fun! I am so glad you were able to go and have such a great time. You inspire me to try to go camping soon.
It looks like you guys had a ton of fun! I really want to go camping this summer. This Sat. in Utah is free fishing, so we are starting out the summer on the right foot. I hope we can keep it up!
Lynette!! I didn't know you guys all went to Blue Knob! We went 3 years ago! Maybe we'll all meet up there next year! Glad you had a good time!
Look at that car!! Amazing it looks and sounds like it is amazing up there. You are a good women! I think I would start crying if my camera broke halfway through a trip!
Sounds like so much fun! What a beautiful place to go and I'm sure you made tons of memories. Don't beat yourself up for complaining, packing can be so tedious and not fun at all when you have to unpack 1/2 your house. I'm glad you had so much fun though.
That looks like so much fun! Dean's taking Dallin on a stake Father and Son campout tomorrow--I wish that I was invited!
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