I think I just made a new record for myself!! I finished a book in 5 days!!!! This is HUGE b/c I don't like to read...really, I just don't really like to. When and if I do read, my favorite type of books are human survival type books. For example, other books I have actually CHOSEN to read are Alive (Rugby team who's plane crashed in Andes and they decided to eat the bodies of those that died), Man's Search for Meaning (a book written by a concentration camp survival), and Between a Rock and a Hard Place (the guy that got his arm stuck while rock climbing in UT and eventually cut it off himself). So, when Dan gave me the book Mistaken Identity (about two girls who's identity was switched during a fatal accident) for Mother's day, I was very interested in reading it. I was already about 60 pages (those 60 pgs have taken me about a month to read) into the book Eclipse, and so I didn't plan on reading my new book until i was done with that one...but I read the prologue of my new book and got hooked!!! Five day's later and I finished it...it's a new record!!! So, obviously I liked the book. It's hard to say I "liked" the book or "enjoyed" the book b/c it is a tragic and completely true story. But, I was very intrigued by it and inspired by it. The two families whole reason to write the book was to help lift others and give them hope through their story of faith, so it has a lot of religious things in it as well. It had me close to tears many times and yet is very inspiring. I definitely would recommend it.
Now I got to go back to reading my novel, which I don't really have much desire to read at this point. I should probably finish it though. (this is my attitude towards most reading)
I saw the girls' families on Oprah a few weeks back. What an unbelievable story. I don't read this genre very often, but I did read "In Harm's Way" a few years ago and I loved it. It's the true story of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis in WWII; only something like 100 men survived out of 1,000 and they were stuck floating at sea in shark-infested waters for days. It was amazing and, in my opinion, a much better read than Eclipse. (Sorry Twilight fans!)
Maybe I'll read it...maybe not. Hmmm. I'm not much of a reader either, but if a non reader is recommending a book, I am more likely to read it than if a real reader recommends it. Hope that makes sense, but since I wrote it I highly doubt that it made sense. How about them apples?
Sounds great! I love recommendations. The picture of the girl on the right reminds me of Debbie Morey!
I am just starting Twilight......
Mary Ann
I had read a few books like that. I decided reading those kinds of books will have to wait until I don't have kids that need me so much. Because I would start saying things like "I'll change your bum, just one more page". I'm glad that you found a book that helped you to like reading!
I love the same type of books. I may need to go to the library and read "Alive".
Oh and I love your stroller. We have a double jogger too and they are the best.
i am not a big reader as well but i have looked at that book a few times thinking i would like to read it. i guess i should go out and get it. thanks!
I'm so proud of you!!
I think I remember that story from the news!
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