Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Am I being too mean???

My last post was all about how proud I was of my cute Carson. Today, unfortunately, is the opposite. He decided he didn't want to go to preschool today for whatever reason. I really wanted him to go b/c he always has fun and I needed a break too. I gave him the choice to go or else he had to sit in his room until lunch time. He picked the sitting in his room and has been up there whining/crying on and off for the last hour. Not that i think preschool is "soooo important", I just don't want him to think he can just stay home from stuff and play instead, you know what I mean? So, am I being to mean? He is just soo whiny lately that it's driving me crazy!!! Don't get me wrong, he really is a very sweet boy, but I think with all the changes going on lately he is a little more sensitive lately. After all our house is a wreck with boxes and stuff everywhere, we've all been sick lately, and his parents are stressed b/c we have nowhere to live in a week! Maybe in a few months when we are living in a nice house we can look back at this and just smile. We really are blessed, just frustrated a bit during this transition. Okay, now back to cleaning up the house...adios!


GFP said...

Nope, you're not being mean, you are actually the opposite.... you're loving. Watch....er....listen as I explain.

See, if you said "Carson...preschool or room..." and you let him pick stay home, but you didn't put him in his room, he'd think "my mom is a physco and doesn't do what she says. She can't be trusted." Sure, that's a bit out there, but it's true. Trust me, I watched someone play a doctor on TV once. So, now what happens when at 2am the house (or apartment....sorry) catches on fire and you yell "CARSON!!! FIRE!!! GET OUT! GET OUT!" He then goes back through his mind and says "That time, the other day, when mom said i'd have to spend the morning in my room, she didn't mean it because I got to play downstairs and eat bon bons. She can't be trusted. I'm staying in bed." See, you only follow up with the punishment because you love him, and it helps build trust and a sense of being responsible for our actions.

I always tell my kids I want to trust them 100% so when they tell ME that there is a fire that I believe them enough to get out!

So, there you have it. You are a terrible parent...uh, i mean NOT a terrible parent!

(Carson - use this to your advantage to get what you want from mom, but trust her if she says there's a fire!)

Jolynn said...

I agree with Mike. You have to follow through with what you say. It is hard, but Carson was the one who made the decision.

Lynette said...

Thanks guys...i feel better now. I definitely think I need to follow through, but I always hope the kid will just make the right decision so I won't have to, you know? After being up there for an hour, he then decided he wanted to go to preschool...um, too late kid...he stayed in his room for another hour after that. Then we had lunch.

Janet said...

Hang in there, Lynette! Moving is one of life's biggest stresses, and especially if you don't know where you're going! (Carson is probably feeling the tension, and it's affecting his behavior.) I'm praying you'll find just the right house soon. Best wishes!

Crystal said...

I totally understand feeling bad when the kids are sad. I try to explain to them that when I have to punish them or ground them it makes me sad too. But like Mike said, we give them a choice and then we have to follow through with it. And of course he was whining because 2 hours is a really long time for a little boy. But, I'm sure he'll believe you and choose preschool next time! :) I'm realizing lately that these younger years are not so bad, the preteen stuff stinks!

Sara said...

Nope, not mean. I think you teaching him a good lesson! And I agree with everything Mike said. Following through is always so hard but it's the best in the end.