On Wednesday our realtor called and said he was looking at a house that would be perfect for us and wanted one of us to jump in the car and go see it. I immediately jumped in the car and sat in traffic for nearly 2 hours to go see this one house. When i got there, I was NOT disappointed....it was PERFECT!!! This house was gorgeous and had everything we wanted!!! We wrote a good offer and sent it over that night. The next day we found out they had several offers and we were in the top two...yeah! Well, today we found out that they picked the other offer for a "little more money" and they could close faster. We can close as quickly as the bank can work, but maybe the other offer had cash or something. I don't know why we are always runner-up for these houses...it's killing me!!! So, we still haven't signed a lease for an apartment and we are moving out in THREE days!!! We'll sign it tomorrow and be moving on Monday...blah! I am SOOO bummed yet again and really wondering when I'm going to get a house! It hasn't been super long, but we've tried REALLY hard for a month and put FOUR offers on houses and haven't gotten any of them!!! So, there's the continuation to the saga, I'll continue it as it comes along....wish us luck!
On a happier note, we went out with 4 other couples to dinner tonight and then to a Stake Valentine's Dance. It was sooo much fun! We went to a Japanese Steak house and it was a blast! It was great company, good food, and fun times!
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
I wish we could of gone to dinner with everyone! We had a lot of fun with you at the dance! I know you will find truly the perfect house....it's out there I can feel it!
Whatever happened to it being a buyers market? I'm so sorry it's been such an ordeal. Hang in there and thanks for all of the updates!
Also: a stake dance? That sounds so fun. We only have those for singles out here!
Oh dear, yes, we understand oh so well. We made an offer on a rental house on Friday and were told we'd hear back today. It's already noon our time and nada...I don't even really dare go anywhere, so I'm sitting here in my bathrobe with wet hair...so lazy!!! Anyway. I will say a prayer for you and for us and that we get to relax at some point soon. Someone commented on your post by saying that Moving is one of life's biggest stresses, especially if you don't know where you're going...YUP!! Tom and I moved in together in May 2008 and now we've moved here, but we haven't found anything permanent, and if all goes according to plan, we'll move again in Jan 2010 back to the US-but WHERE, we don't know. UGH!!
I'm so bummed for you guys. I keep checking in on your blog hoping that you're post will say "we got a house!" I'm sorry that you haven't had any luck yet. I guess those houses just weren't where you were supposed to be. I'm sure that there is something even better lined up for you!
This post was so hard to read, I'm so sorry that you had another offer turned down! What in the world? I'm sure you will find an awesome house! Yay for the Valentines date though - Japanese steakhouses rock!!
I'm sorry things have been so crazy buying a house, that was just like us when we came to CO. It took us 4 houses to finally get one, keep trying I'm sure it will work out!!
I can feel your pain having houses snatched out from underneath you as I have been there! Are you staying in Russett apartments for now? If it makes you feel any better, I have been living literally out of one suitcase and a box (of kitchen stuff) since January in a hotel room with a mini-fridge and microwave. It is amazing how much I can live without, but I miss having a kitchen!!! And being in a house instead of a hotel!!! It isn't easy, but I know you can do it!!
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