Brynlee went to nursery this past Sunday for the second "official" week. The week before I stayed with her for the first 1/2hr, then she stayed happily for another45mins or so, then the nursery worker had to bring her to me b/c she was screaming hysterically...she does this sometimes...or a lot :) So, I wasn't sure how the next Sunday would go, but she did GREAT!! She RAN to go to nursery and we lifted her over the baby gate and she never looked back! I was shocked! I kept waiting to hear screaming or see them bring her back to me, but they never did! And she was happy when I picked her up....amazing! You nursery workers are saints! Let's hope she continues this behavior. She really is becoming much more social, which is so fun to see considering some people at church can't seam to forget how ANTI-social she was as an infant. She's a cutie!!
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9 years ago