Friday, December 29, 2006

Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas 2006!
Almost Christmas....
Friday, December 22, 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
2006 Christmas Letter
This year has proven to be yet another great year! We have been keeping plenty busy and have been enjoying our little family. We are enjoying life in Maryland and have lived in our house for almost 2 ½ years now. We love where we live with quick access to fun cities like Washington D.C. and Baltimore. We try to take advantage of these cities as much as possible. We saw the Broadway show “Wicked” when it came to D.C. this year and it was fabulous!
Dan is still working for the government learning Arabic. He is working really hard and seeing steady improvement in his language skills. Arabic is a very hard language and so Dan had the opportunity to go to the Middle East for Language Immersion Training. He was there for only 28 days, but it felt like forever. He learned a lot about the Arab culture as well as learning the language a little better. Dan is done being the Cubmaster for the cub scouts and now teaches early morning seminary at church. Yep, he wakes up at 4:30am every weekday to get to church by 5:30 to teach the youth at church. He enjoys teaching, but doesn’t enjoy the early mornings so much.
Lynette is still working at Patient First, a freestanding urgent care only 2 minutes from their home. She really enjoys her job and is very grateful for the flexibility. She works a couple times a week in the evenings or on weekends when Dan can stay home with Carson. Lynette also has a new calling at church. She is the Young Women’s President. She has only been doing this for a month or so, but is having a lot of fun with the teenage girls. Lynette also spends quite a bit of time (sometimes early in the morning) sewing. She and her friend Tami have even tried their hands at craft shows. They did two craft shows this holiday season and did quite well. They sell mostly fun baby items. They are hoping to continue their “business” and do more craft fairs in the near future. Needless to say, she keeps plenty busy with Carson, work, church, and having fun!
Carson is now 18 months old and is so fun! He loves to dance to music, look at books, and point to airplanes that fly by. He “talks” all the time, but we don’t quite understand him yet. He does love animals and knows a handful of animal sounds. Carson recently got a fish tank in his room and enjoys looking at his “ssshhhh”. Carson also loves books and will thumb through them and look at all the pictures. He is really getting smart and we’re amazed at the things he understands. He is a lot of fun and definitely adds a spark of excitement to our home.
We have been able to go on a few vacations this year too! Our summer was packed with adventure. In June we went on a little family vacation to visit Lynette’s sister in Wisconsin and her brother in Indiana. We were able to celebrate Carson’s first birthday while with family in Wisconsin, it was great! We drove to both places and were pleasantly surprised at how well Carson did in the car. It was great visiting family and seeing where they live.
For the month of July while Dan was on his emersion trip, Lynette went to Rochester for 3 weeks. She had a great time seeing family and friends and was so thankful to her parents for helping her with Carson while she was a “single mom” for a month.
In August, we were able to go to Utah to see Dan’s family and Lynette’s extended family. Dan’s youngest brother returned home from his mission and it was especially fun to have him back with the rest of the family. Of course, we went jeeping in Moab while we were in Utah as well. Dan loved every minute of it, as usual, but Lynette wasn’t too sure. Maybe the fact that her little boy was in the back seat while the jeep climbed over boulders and cliffs that made it look like you were going to roll the jeep or tumble over the edge had something to do with her nervousness. Lynette did drive for the first time this trip and thought that it was quite the experience. We made it safely back and Dan is already planning his next trip out there.
We have been very blessed with another wonderful year. We are so thankful for such wonderful family and friends. We hope we can all remember the real meaning of Christmas and enjoy this holiday season.
With love,
Dan, Lynette, and Carson Loveridge
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Go Carson!
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My little man really is growing up. He is taking a nap with NO binky! This is the second time he's done it. This is a big deal because Carson loves his binky. He has been really good about leaving it in his crib for a few months now. So, he doesn't need it during the day, but I've been wanting to get rid of it during nap time and bedtime. So far he has gone two days and hasn't had it during nap time. I tried not giving it to him last night for bedtime but that didn't work. For nap times I told him that he is a big boy and that his "doggie" needs it more. Carson thinks it's really fun to give his binky to his stuffed dog. So, he gives it to his dog and his dog stays on the bed with it and Carson gets in his crib without it. I don't know if he really understands, but so far it's working. What a big boy!!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Little Man Goes to Nursery!
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Taco Bell Crunchwrap!
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Crazy Crafters AGAIN!
Chimp demonstrating carseat blankets
booties all packaged up
On Saturday my friend Tami and I did our second craft fair. This one was even more successful than the first! We've had a lot of fun (and a little stress) getting ready for these craft fairs. But it really has been soooo much fun! Tami and I really love to sew and get stuff ready for it and we also enjoy just hanging out at the craft fairs and talking. We had most of the same things from last time with a few new ideas too. At both craft fairs we seemed to have unique items that people seemed to like. Doing this craft fair thing atleast gives me justification for buying so much fabric! We also need to thank our loving husbands who watched the kids ALL day long...thanks guys! We took them out to dinner later :) It was a fun and successful craft fair....when's the next one???
Friday, December 1, 2006
Ya gotta love boys!
Then later that night, we were getting Carson ready for bed and we always feed his fish before bedtime. Ever since we got the fish, Carson loves to feed them himself. He is actually really good and takes a little pinch of the flakes and puts it in the tank, closes the lid, then puts the lid back on the food. It's really cute, a little messy, but really cute. Well, last night was a little different. I held out the can of fish food to him as usual, he grabbed a big pinch, and then he.....ATE IT!!!! I was totally grossed out! I hope fish flakes isn't deadly to toddlers! Carson brushed his teeth twice that night....oh, you gotta love boys!