Is Christmas really over? Where did it go? Where did 2006 go? This year has really flown by....I can't believe it is almost 2007! Remember when we were so worried about Y2K?? This picture of my parents was taken when they went to Times Square, NYC, to ring in the new millennium...my parents are crazy!!! This is a great picture though. Happy New Year!
On a different note, this morning while I was making Dan a turkey sandwich for lunch (that's actually pretty rare that I make him lunch since he is usually out of the house so early for seminary) I put some special Gouda cheese on his sandwich, but wanted a slice of cheddar cheese for myself to munch on. So, Dan opened up the brand new block of cheese and handed me a piece. Now, you have to understand that I am a little bit (or a lot bit) of a cheese snob. I will not, even if stranded on a desert island, eat moldy, or what smells like moldy cheese. I just think it's gross. So, I took the piece of cheese and almost had it in my mouth (i wasn't too worried since we had just opened the packaging) when I noticed a little dusting of white on the edge. "What is this?" I asked Dan. He told me I was way too picky and out of control and that it was "nothing"....he always picks on me for my cheese issues. So, I took a bite of the cheese and..."blah, this tastes like its going bad", I said. Dan really thought I was being silly and looked at the remaining cheese in the package and said that it looked fine. He ate the rest of my cheese. Then he decided to inspect the cheese block a little closer and.....YUCK, the whole side of the block was speckled with green fuzzy mold!!! "I told you!!", I said to Dan while getting a drink to wash out my moldy mouth. Now I should have some respect for being the Cheese Queen. I told him never to doubt my abilities to smell out some moldy cheese! I promise I'm not this picky about everything, it's really just the cheese thing. Wow, that was a really long story all about cheese...sorry.
On an even different-er note, Carson woke up 3 times last night within an hour. I don't know what it is with him, he is usually a very good sleeper. Maybe I jinxed myself after just telling a friend that his sleeping hasn't been disrupted after taking away his binky. I didn't think it had, but maybe I was wrong. I'm just worried b/c tonight we are chaperoning a youth dance and so we really want Carson to sleep and not wake up while the babysitter is here. If he wakes up and sees we're gone, that could be disaster! We'll see how it goes. Man, the things you worry about when you're a parent. Just when you think you are so blessed with such a good little sleeper, he switches things up on us. Which makes me think of how yesterday Dan took the day off of work b/c we wanted a day together (since I worked on Christmas) and Dan made the comment that "Carson will wake up early just b/c I'm staying home and want to sleep in". Well 99% of the time, Carson will wake up at 9am or later and so of course I get to sleep in whenever I want to. So, I don't know how Carson knew, but he knew Dan was home and wanting to sleep in and so he woke up at 7:30am!!! Now really, how or why did he do that? He NEVER wakes up that early, how did he know that Dan wanted to sleep in??? It really boggles my mind. Carson and I tried to make up for it by bringing daddy breakfast in bed, which I think he enjoyed. We had a nice day anyways. Really, how does he know?? Poor Dan will never get to sleep in!
1 comment:
Its a kid sensor - I know it is!! Just when you think you're doing great with sleeping, eating, potty training, homework, anything really -- they say "I think my parents are getting a little too comfortable, I am not fulfilling my reponsibility as a child, I must throw a wrench in this somehow!" :)
Love your cheese incident too - nothing worse than finding out something is moldy after you've already taken a bite! :)
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