Sunday, December 3, 2006

Crazy Crafters AGAIN!

Santa kid apron
"Little man" tie onsies

A few of our handbags

some booties

Sleep Sacks

Craft fair display

Chimp demonstrating carseat blankets

booties all packaged up

On Saturday my friend Tami and I did our second craft fair. This one was even more successful than the first! We've had a lot of fun (and a little stress) getting ready for these craft fairs. But it really has been soooo much fun! Tami and I really love to sew and get stuff ready for it and we also enjoy just hanging out at the craft fairs and talking. We had most of the same things from last time with a few new ideas too. At both craft fairs we seemed to have unique items that people seemed to like. Doing this craft fair thing atleast gives me justification for buying so much fabric! We also need to thank our loving husbands who watched the kids ALL day long...thanks guys! We took them out to dinner later :) It was a fun and successful craft fair....when's the next one???


Ruth said...

You guys are crazy with all those crafts. I don't know when you find the time. I wish I had been there. I'm sure you would have sold a lot more. In fact. I have always wanted one of those onesies with the tie. Let me know how much! I need it in 12 months. Yep, my 6month old is huge!

Anonymous said...

You are so talented! Those all look so great!

I especially love the Emlo shoes, the tie shirts, the santa aprons...okay, everything. Good job!

By the way, the packaging on the booties is a great touch.

Debbie said...

good job lynette.

Jenni said...

Those booties are so great!!! I seriously want to buy some! Everything is so cute!

Mendy said...

Your stuff looks adorable, Lynette! You and Tami will be millionaires before you know it!