My little man really is growing up. He is taking a nap with NO binky! This is the second time he's done it. This is a big deal because Carson loves his binky. He has been really good about leaving it in his crib for a few months now. So, he doesn't need it during the day, but I've been wanting to get rid of it during nap time and bedtime. So far he has gone two days and hasn't had it during nap time. I tried not giving it to him last night for bedtime but that didn't work. For nap times I told him that he is a big boy and that his "doggie" needs it more. Carson thinks it's really fun to give his binky to his stuffed dog. So, he gives it to his dog and his dog stays on the bed with it and Carson gets in his crib without it. I don't know if he really understands, but so far it's working. What a big boy!!
1 comment:
How is the de-binkification process going?
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