Today was a fun day. Carson and I had a great time going to the park and going swimming after nap time. He loves the pool sooo much! After that, my friend Mary Jean called and said that her sis-in-law had just arrived at their house. Her sis-in-law is one of my friends from growing up in Rochester, NY. Carson and I quickly changed our wet swimming clothes and rushed over to their house to hang out with Leah. It was great to see her again! She has four boys, the youngest two are twins! It was fun to ask her all about having twins and a house full of boys! She was surprised/excited to hear that I am having a's such a foreign idea to her, I guess. We had a great time catching up, if only we had more time! It was nice seeing you Leah!
On a different note, Dan is doing well. He went to church today (they have church on Fridays) and said it was pretty cool. He was able to meet some more people and was even invited to lunch after. Tomorrow he is going to visit the!!! One week down, only 3 more to go! 
Here's Dan in front of one of the many Mosques in Egypt
i am so jealous that you got to see leah. did she have her kids with her? i miss her mom too. why did they have to move?
i loved seeing the pyramids in eygpt. although it was a little hot when I went I can't imagine seeing them in the dead of summer. i am glad dan and you are doing well.
Neat-O for Dan seeing the pyramids!! Glad you got in some fun times yesterday!! :)
Sounds cool, must have been nice to catch up with Leah. Glad Dan is doing well, I'm even happier to hear that your time is going by so quickly.
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