Brynlee Rebecca Loveridge
Born 9/18/07 at 6:34am
8lbs 11oz, 19 1/2"
Sorry about the delay in posting our exciting news, but our Internet has been down for days (that's a whole other story!). Our baby girl was born this past Tuesday and she sure did make a grand entrance. I was suppose to be induced because she was getting pretty big, but she decided to come earlier. A lot of you already have heard all the details, but for those who haven't, here is an approximate timeline of events leading up to her birth.
12:30am: I woke up with some contractions that were mildly painful.
1:00am: Woke Dan up and asked him what I should do. The contractions were only a little painful and not regular at all.
1:30am: Dan and I looked on the internet about "false labor" trying to figure out what was going on. Still the contractions were only a little painful.
2:00am: Called the on-call doctor to see what we should do. He said if we wanted to check we could to to the hospital to see if i was dilating and actually in labor.
2:10am: Decided to go back to bed and see if they got any worse.
2:10-4:30am: SLEPT. Obviously the contractions weren't THAT bad if I could sleep.
4:30am: Dan woke up for seminary and I got up to. Still had the not too painful contractions.
5:15am: Dan left for seminary. I told him to call me afterwards, before going to work, to see if they were getting any more intense or regular.
5:30am: Starting packing my bags for the hospital, just in case. Took a shower. Contractions were now getting a little more intense.
5:45am: Called Dan during seminary class and told him he should come home now. contractions were now painful enough that I was moaning and wanted to be getting to the hospital for drugs!
5:55am: Contractions now SUPER painful and frequent and I was paralyzed in pain and literally screaming as loud as humanly possible!! Oh, and Carson was still sleeping in his room.
6:00am: Was able to somehow lay down on the top of the bed...still screaming in pain!
6:03am: Water breaks on the bed...yuck!
6:05am: Dan gets home and sees/hears me screaming in pain and I tell him to call 911. Oh, and by the way, Dan remained calm the entire time, bless his heart.
6:10am: I am screaming, pushing, did i mention screaming!?! Carson wakes up and Dan takes him downstairs. Luckily our neighbor was outside and took care of Carson. Dan watches for ambulance.
6:15am: Paramedics arrive. One ambulance and two firetrucks! They hear me screaming from outside and rush upstairs. Dan sees that the baby is crowning and shows the paramedics. They say "looks like were having a baby here". I'm still screaming!!!
6:15-6:34am: More screaming, more pushing, more screaming, screaming, screaming and more screaming!!!!! Dan being very helpful during all of this.
6:34am: Baby girl is born on our bed....yuck....double yuck!!!
So, there you have it! It took a little work to get her to cry, but she did and we were all so happy. They packaged us all up and took us to the hospital (a different one than we were planning on having her at). The paramedic was pretty excited about his first delivery. I congratulated him and he did a great job! When we got to the hospital I felt like a celebrity. All of the ER staff were lining the walls and clapping and cheering as they wheeled me in. It was actually kind of embarrassing. Throughout our 2 day stay, people kept asking me all about was pretty funny. So, I guess I'm now one of "those women", who somehow don't make it to the hospital in time and deliver their babies at home. Thank goodness we weren't in the car somewhere! I never, EVER thought it would happen like fast! We feel very blessed that everything turned out great! But, I tell you, I would NEVER recommend doing it that was soooo painful! Why would anyone want to have a baby naturally?? My next baby, I'm going to the hospital extra early and getting lots of drugs...maybe I can get an extra epidural to make up for the one I missed this time :) Anyway, we are loving our little baby are some pictures...