Thanks to my dad, here are some cute pictures of Carson and Brynlee. Carson can be a challenge to photograph (like any 2 year old), but I think my dad got some good ones. It was a little challenging getting pictures of Brynlee too. My dad wanted her awake, but that happens only every so often. She pretty much sleeps and eats (while still sleeping) all day long. She has been pretty good at night too. We are really enjoying having her around, she's a pretty mello baby right now and we're enjoying that. Carson really likes her too and gives her lots of love and kisses...too cute!
I love the pictures. I wish we had a good photographer in our family!
your dad is such a great photographer-of course your kids probably aren't too hard to get a great picture of since they are so cute.
Love the pictures. Keep them coming. Isn't it weird to say kids? They are both really cute.
Wow! Your dad sure does a great job, Lynette. How adorable is little Brynlee? Congrats again on her amazing birth.
Brynlee is so beautiful! i can't wait to meet her in person. give her a squeeze for me, and of course carson. brooke was playing with a griends son the other day and she kept calling him carson! it was so cute.
Your dad did so good! All of those shots are outstanding!! What gorgeous kids - yes you have KIDS now!
They are very cute kids!! Brynlee is adorable. Her little smile is so sweet.
You do have adorable kids!
Just beautiful! I love seeing pictures, it makes me feel like I was there. I can't wait to see Brynlee, too...when do you think you'll be visiting here?
Cute cute cute!!! You have adorable kids!!:)
Your kids are adorable. And I think Carson looks so much like you in that last picture.
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