Well, we switched Carson over to his "Big Boy Bed". We've had Dan's old twin bed in Carson's room ever since we moved to our house, so he's always seen it there. But, we started talking it up and telling him that he could sleep there so the baby could have the crib. He didn't seam to care too much until we let him pick out new sheets for his bed (he picked Diego...no surprise) and then he was super excited. We put the sheets on the bed and installed a bed rail and he was so excited to play/sleep on his new big bed. After much playing on the bed and reading and singing songs, we told him he needed to stay in the bed and go to sleep. He got a sad frown on his face and started to cry. I think he was a little scared about the whole thing. We left his room and shortly later, he came walking into our room. Dan went and reassured him and a little bit later Dan and I went downstairs (2 levels below) thinking he was calm and would stay up there. Not very long after we went downstairs, down came Carson. He looked so cute that we both started laughing. Dan took him back upstairs and laid with him. He went to sleep soon after that. When he woke up in the morning he was so excited to tell me that he slept in his big boy bed with Diego sheets. It was really cute. He had a hard time taking a nap yesterday in his bed (okay, he didn't nap at all), but today was much better. He took a nap and went to bed at night with no problems. So, maybe switching him over won't be as bad as I thought. He's just getting so big and old now...although he looks so small in his big bed. My little man is growing up!
Big Boy Bed with Diego Sheets
Jumping on the bed
Fast asleep...
Saturday was my baby shower and it was a blast! My friends Mary and Gwyn threw it for me and it was perfect...yummy food, cute decorations, and tons of fun friends! Thanks ladies!!!! It was so fun to hang out with friends and of course open fun gifts full of pink and purple things! I love baby girl stuff! Everyone was so generous and I'm so excited to put my little baby in all these cute clothes! Thank you everyone....you all are the best!
Cute blankets...one for baby...one for Carson!

Look at those awesome decorations...good job Mary!

Awesome friends!

Happy Prego Lady
No kid has ever been hurt by falling out of bed, no matter how bad they tell you they are hurt. trade the bed rail in for a Jeep and then he'll really be a big boy!
Great job Carson! How exciting. by-the-way...you look great! Still so pretty.
Way to go Carson!! When we switched Ellie to a big bed I thought for sure naps were over. But she still sleeps, it just takes her longer because she can get up and play for a while. Good luck!
Oh, and you look beautiful! You have the pregnant "glow."
Way to go Carson. Zack will soon be joining him hopefully just as well. I love the decorations at your shower. I am so sorry I was unable to attend.
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