So, I have a new favorite cookie recipe!! Mendy made these the other day for our card swap and they were super yummy...I don't think she'll mind me sharing the recipe. This recipe couldn't be easier and the cookies couldn't be tastier. She said it is a Weight Watchers recipe and that each cookie is 1 point (not that I care...I think I ate 10 points of cookies yesterday). They don't get credit for being the most attractive looking cookie, but man are they good!
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 box spice cake mix
1 (15oz) can of pumpkin
chocolate chips
-mix all ingredients together and put spoonfuls on baking sheet. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.
Yep, there really are NO other ingredients...DON'T make the cake mix as directed, just simply use the dry mix and add the pumpkin and chocolate's sooo easy!
And on another happy note, Dan brought home some Egg Nog from Sam's club it really already time for Egg Nog...YUM!!!
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9 years ago