It's official, The Jeep is gone...sniff, sniff :( After 5 months of sitting out in front of our townhouses, motionless, we finally had to get rid of it. The parking violation we got this week just made us actually do it! Even though the Jeep didn't work, it was nice to see it there and to let Carson play in it every now and then. He loved that thing to the bitter end (now, let's see if he notices it's gone). So, the violation said it would get towed last night, but we talked to our community people and they gave us till Tuesday. So, Dan quickly put a listing on a few Jeep sites in the area and within a couple hours had an interested guy. Dan gave him the specs and he said he'd take it and pick it up, that was way to easy! So, last night we took Carson out to the Jeep and had one last time playing in it and taking LOTS of pictures. It was a sad time. Then today the guy came to tow it away. Fortunately we really felt like it was going to a good home. The guy that bought it was a BIG-TIME jeeper and was buying it to fix it up with another old jeep he has to make a rig for his 16 year old daughter. He said his daughter has been buggin' him for a long time for a jeep, so we feel she will be super appreciative. And this guy that picked it up was soo tough looking and super nice. He even had a cool prosthetic arm with a metal hook (probably from a serious jeepin' accident...j/k). So, we really, really felt like it was going to a perfect place and a nice family. Okay, so you're probably wondering why I am acting so sentimental toward the jeep, b/c most of you know that I usually just make fun of it. But, it has lots of memories and it means a lot to a certain someone of mine :) When the jeep was finally loaded up on the trailer and driven away, that certain someone couldn't control his emotions...and neither could I. Who knew a jeep would mean so much to us. It has been Dan's "baby" longer than me...or Carson...and now it's gone....sniff, sniff. Here are a few memories and facts about our beloved Jeep.
-Dan bought it in Helper, Ut in March of 1998. It is a 1991 Jeep Wrangler.
-It originally had pink and blue pinstripping, which Dan quickly took off as to not have it look too "girly"
-It has been REAL jeepin' in Moab over a dozen times and has a fine layer of red dust on everything inside to prove it.
-Dan thought it would be a great "chick magnet" and was so proud of it when we first met.
-When we first met, I didn't care that he had a jeep.
-In less than 3 years it went through 3 mufflers.
-Dan was the first in his family to buy a Jeep, after him 3 others in his family bought one.
-Carson LOVES Jeeps and can spot one a mile away.
-I was the second girl Dan let drive his jeep.-The Jeep had 4 bumper stickers on it....MOAB, U of U, "God Forgives, Rock's Don't", and (my personal favorite...j/k) "Don't touch my Jeep unless you're Naked".
-I always wanted him to remove that last one and he never did :)
-It has a 4 1/2" lift and 33" tires.-I could barely get into it b/c it was so tall.
-JEEP stands for "Just Empty Every Pocket" and this jeep was no exception. Dan estimates putting over 10K into it in repairs and upgrades.
-It was definitely part of the family.
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago