Friday, August 10, 2007

Blogging addiction

So, Rebecca thought that I would be in the high 90's for how addicted to blogging I was...but I was only in the 60's...and I answered totally honest!!! I guess I'm not as addicted to blogging as one may think. I still think I'm addicted to it b/c I think it is really fun and I totally do want everyone to have a blog so I can keep up to date with friends and family. But, I guess I'm not THAT addicted to it. I definitely check my blog and friends blogs daily, sometimes several times a day, but I don't spend hours blogging or reading them and I honestly don't think about what I'm going to post. I post stuff pretty frequently, but I usually have to think about something fun to post about, it doesn't just come to me. Anyway, I'll still fully admit that I'm addicted...maybe I should take the quiz again?? How addicted are you??

61%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Mingle2 - Dating Site


the design boss said...

I can't believe that. I can't be more addicted then you!! I do find myself thinking all the time about different blogs and how funny that would be as a blog and so on and so forth, but I don't always get around to doing it. So maybe addiction is more mental then actually doing it. Interesting...I would love to see Mary's I be she would score high!

Lynette said...

Yeah, weird huh? I still think I'm pretty addicted, oh well. I'd like to see what Mary scores too!