Carson LOVES balls...bouncy balls, footballs, soccer balls, basketballs, ANY kind of ball!! He usually always has a bouncy ball (the ones that are only 25cents at Old Navy....Mary, you know the ones) in his hand and is so eager to show his ball to anyone that's interested or not. He has even gone to bed with his bouncy ball a couple times. The second he wakes up he starts saying "ball, ball, ball". One time he dropped his ball over the side of the crib and ever since always goes to that side and says "ball?". So, he LOVES balls!!!
Well, this weekend Carson has been sick. He has a little cold but it sounds terrible because he is really wheezy too. He has been wheezy since Thursday night and nothing seems to help. We've tried the humidifier, the steamy shower, cold air, etc. He sounds absolutely terrible, but he has continued to be energetic and fun despite his 'gasping for air' sounds. So, Friday night he sounded particularly bad and we could hear his wheezing from the other room. He was sleeping, but it was hard for us to sleep because he sounded so bad and we were worried. Well, Dan went in to his room to fill up his humidifier with more water and I decided to go in to and give Carson more medicine. So, right when Carson heard us in his room, he quickly jumped right up and went to the side of his crib and started saying "ball? ball? ball?". It was sooo funny...what kid wakes up from sleeping at 3 am and immediately thinks of his ball. Shouldn't he be groggy or sleepy. He is such a funny kid. It was really cute and he immediately settled back down to sleep. It was just so funny.
On Saturday we were able to get him an appointment with his doctor. He was such a good little patient. They did a nebulizer treatment and checked his oxygenation. He was so good for both. He held the nebulizer and kept touching it to his nose (I told him to do that so he would breathe in as much as possible). Then he pointed his little finger out so they could put the pulse ox
sensor on. He was so good and the doctor and nurse were both impressed by his compliance. Go Carson...what a good boy!! Unfortunately the breathing treatment didn't seem to help much, but we left with a prescription for albuterol. Today he stayed home from church because he still sounds really wheezy. Hopefully soon he will be sounding much better. The poor little guy. Carson, you are such a trooper!

Poor Carson! I love that he looks over the side of his crib and asks about the ball. Good memory!
I am so sorry! It is so hard when you have to do breathing treatments when they are so little. We always watch movie's while we do breathing treatments. I hope that it gets better soon.
I've had 2 kids on the nebulizer this winter and can I say I'm so ready for spring to come. My little Nina is great with it but Ben thinks its just torture. Sorry to hear that your little guy's weezing, I hope the medicine helps him out.
both my sons love bouncy balls too. How cute he sleeps with it. Ethan use to call any sized ball base ball he loves base ball.
Sorry to hear your baby is sick. Hope he is doing a lot better now.
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