At least that's what Dan would say about this picture! I just barely took this picture of Carson. We're not really potty training him, but our friend, Rebecca, let us borrow her potty so we have it in the bathroom and Carson likes to sit on it. So, Carson just came out of the bathroom carrying his potty and put it right in front of the TV and sat on it and watched TV. Typical guy, huh? Dan will be proud.
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
That is too funny. You've got me laughing today!
Maybe the potty is cursed! It was never in the bathroom when we had it! It was used just the same way. I love it!
Thank you Lynette! Please visit my site anytime. It's good to hear from New Yorkers! I hope your family is well!
Ha! He's so funny!
He He!! Very Cute!!
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