Last night my mom, Dan, and I were watching Supernanny. We had missed the very beginning so we didn't know where the family lived, but within about a minute or so of watching the family, I totally thought they were mormon. There was just something about this sweet, cute, modest, 29 year old mom with three kids and pregnant with the 4th that just screamed MORMON! Sure enough, after a little more close watching, I spotted the Family Home Evening board up above the TV. I was right! I don't know what it is exactly, but you can usually spot a mormon, even without any obvious hints. It was pretty funny. She was a very cute, overstressed mom and hopefully Jo Frost (the Supernanny) helped her and her family out. Can you spot a mormon???
We also watched a show called "Engaged and Underaged" b/c we saw a commercial for it earlier and it mentioned it being a mormon wedding. It was a story about two 19 year olds getting married. They actually got married in the temple, but had a ring ceremony for the grooms family, b/c they aren't LDS. It was actually really interesting to hear what the groom's family had to say, but it was pretty tastefully done. There were mormons all over TV last night.
Okay, that's enough of my admitting to watching silly TV shows.
We had a great time while my parents were here. Carson just loved his "papa" and "ma". He really showed off his fun personality while they were here and they thought he was just adorable. We didn't do anything much, but had a great time just relaxing and talking together. You guys can come down whenever you want!!!
New Home on the Internet
9 years ago
It's true, you can usually spot them from a mile away! It is always nice when 'they' are in the public eye and not being made a mockery of too - bounus! I'm glad you had such a great time with your parents. It'll me my turn soon!
It's true, you can usually spot them from a mile away! It is always nice when 'they' are in the public eye and not being made a mockery of too - bounus! I'm glad you had such a great time with your parents. It'll me my turn soon!
Sorry, I must have hit publish twice...oops!
I have to admit that I love those silly shows too. I love watching Jo Frost on the Super Nanny. It makes me thankful for how good my kids actually are.
I'm glad you had fun with your parents, my family was all in town a few weeks ago and it's just so nice to have everyone around.
I totally thought the supernanny family last night were Mormons too!! I didn't see the fhe chart, so thanks for confirming!! :) W/ Mitt running it seems like we're even more everywhere!! :)
How funny, we watched the last 1/2 of that show and thought they must be Mormons too - she was definitely modest and they were young to have almost 4 kids. Plus, they kept showing the Utah mountains. Fun!
We have seen people and have just "known" they are LDS - just have that look, only to hear them say something or see a BYU emblem on something and realize we were right.
(P.S. Thanks for the ride tonight!)
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